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Getting ready for this is one of the hardest things that I've been able to do. My sleeves don't fit right, my shoes are too tight and my hair won't sit correctly

I don't usually get nervous, I wasn't nervous When I met the pope, wasn't nervous when my mom became president and definitely wasn't nervous to become the first son but I'm nervous now. I'm nervous because Henry will In fact be here and we haven't talked in weeks

"Ready?" June asks as she walks into my room "ready as I'll ever be" we get to the venue and I see a bunch of people but no henry

"Alex smile" my mom jabs my side and I give a smile to the cameras "Alex" I hear from behind me "Miguel.. what a pleasure" he smirks and stands next to me "this event is wonderful" I half-smile "it was until I realized you were here" he laughs "always a treat with you Alex" I glare at him "do you need something Miguel?" He shakes his head "no no I just wnated to catch up with an old friend" I smile

"Well you better go find that 'old friend'" I walk off and find June "June I do not want to be here anymore" she nods "agreed, your bestie seems to be having a good time" I nod as I find her in the crowd with Percy- that means Henry's here!

I scan the entire place for him and then I see him. His perfect bone structure, honey blonde hair and his beautiful lips- the lips that I once have touched with my own

His eyes meet mine and he quickly looks away, so I quickly start walking towards him "Alex I'm still talking!" June shouts and I ignore it "Henry" I say and he looks up "alex" my eyes squint as I try to read his face

"You've been ignoring me" he nods "for weeks" he nods once more "why?!" I say a bit louder than necessary "Alex now is not the time" I scoff "when is?? Should I send a few more texts hoping for a reply! Cause that's what I've been doing Henry for the past couple of weeks!" He takes my arm and guides me to the red room

"Alex- the kiss was a mistake" I shake my head "no it wasn't.. I liked it and you didn't give me a chance to say anything" his face softens up with a slight smile

I take his head into my hands and and pull him to my lips- the kiss is more assured than the last one. Both of us know that we both want this but then he pushes away "no Alex"

"Why not!" His eyes look sad and his lip quivers but he shakes his head "this cannot be a thing, I cannot be vulnerable. I am the prince of England I must not be selfish!" He shouts and I take a step back "you kissed me though" he nods

"Yes and it was bloody wonderful but I can't have you falling in love with me" I roll my eyes "who says I'm gonna do that" he frowns "I'm serious Alex- this is not a thing and it'll never be!" There's a hint of regret in his eyes and I look down at my feet trying to think

"I enjoy your company- and I would love to continue this appropriate friendship" he grabs my hand firmly "and I hope you agree to that decision" I look at him and he gives me a soft smile

"T-then why did you kiss me" I choke out and he sighs "I've wanted to do that since the first time we met" I smirk "oh yeah" he nods "yes but it cannot happen again" and once again my face falls

"Henry please" I whisper and he squeezes my hand "just one night?" I ask and he chuckles "no" I pull my hand away and shake my head "come to my polo game" he says and I smile "when?" He sighs "next weekend, in London. A charity event" I smile "and maybe we could hang out after that" he winks playfully and I laugh

He walks up to me and connects our lips hungrily but also softly "now we have to go before people get suspicious" I nod "promise you won't ignore me anymore?" I ask

"I'll think about it"

ok so I've had writer's block for this book for so long but now I have it for my other book (go read pure soul🤪) anyways so I decided to publish this iffy chapter. Don't love it or hate it but also RED WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE SEQUEL!?!HELLLL YEAH


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