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I've just arrived at Alex's New Year's party and he's no where to be found, thankfully. I brought my mate Percy because he's had his eye on Alex's friend Nora. "Man this looks fucking sick" he tells me and I nod "I've seen better" he nods "oh have you?" Alex's voice comes into get conversation

"Yes I have" I sas do him "well then I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong" he pays my shoulder then drags me to the bar "this is my bestie Nora" he shouts over the music "I'm well aware, my mate Percy is actually interested" I point to my friend and nora smiles

"You look divine I must admit" Percy says to Nora and she blushes "yeah you're hanging with me tonight, let's dance" she says as they wander off

"Looks like it's just us your royal highness" he says to me and I laugh "did I just make princess Henry laugh?" I roll my eyes "prince. And no you didn't make me laugh. I laughed at your idiocy" he nods and then perks up at the song that starts playing

"THIS IS THE SONG OF MY CHILDHOOD COME ON!!" He drags me to the dance floor and starts dancing and I just stand there awkwardly "excuse me did he just say- till the sweat drop down his balls???" Alex laughs "he sure did what you not used to it? Oh I forgot you have to listen to classical music in the palace" he continues to dance, all the girls swoon over him and I sigh

"THREE MINUTES TILL MIDNIGHT" the dj shouts and I look around

"You enjoying yourself?" He asks me in his drunken state and I nod "surprisingly it's not as awful as I imagined" Alex give me his classic charming smile


The crowd counts down and I join in

"1 happy new years!" As I turn to Alex I see a girl grab Alex and kiss him, then another does the same

I shake my head and walk out of the party to get some air

Why did I come to this thing? It was a dumb idea and I just wanna go home and cuddle David

"Henry!" I hear Alex shout so I quickly wipe my eyes "Henry?" He is a few feet behind me but I refuse to turn around "did I do something..?" He asks hesitantly "why did you invite me to this party." I ask and he sighs "because I want us to be on better terms, and I thought we were because we've been having an awesome time. I'm sorry if I did something" he begins to ramble

"Don't say that" I turn around and look at him "don't say what?" I groan slightly "don't apologize if you didn't do anything and definitely don't apologize if you don't mean it" he nods "ok I'm so- ok" I smile "Henry why did you run off?" He asks me "I didn't run I quickly walked away which is two completely different things" he rolls his eyes

"But I just needed air" he nods "it was just weird because when those girls kissed me I'd when you ran off. We're you interested in one of them or something?" I shake my head

"Definitely not, they weren't the ones I wanted to kiss" he furrows his eyebrows "I don't get it" I sigh "the people I wanna be with I can't be with and the people I can be with I don't wanna be with." He nods "but you've dated so many different girls and-" I nod "yes but they were never real, I've never been interested in any of them"

He pinches the bridge of his nose "I don't get it still" I sigh "for fuck sake" I walk over to him, grab his face and connect our lips

At first he just stands there but then he kisses back and puts his hands on my waist


I pull away and his mouth is wide open, so I turn around and this time I actually run away. Leaving Alex alone. Knowing I made a mistake

A mistake that I will never make again

Sooooo Henry kissed alex, a lot of this was just like the New Year's party in the actual movie sooo I do not take credit for that. And be so Fr Henry "not gonna make that mistake again" we will see. Anyways hope you enjoyeddd

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