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"I'm so glad you're here" Alex says to me as I walk into his bedroom in the White House "well I'm glad I was invited" he smiles "I'm so nervous for the game tomorrow" I nod "so what is this game for exactly?" He grins "well both teams are for a charity, basically everyone gets money to their charity. It's something for the less fortunate get to go to for free" I smile at him

"That's actually really sweet" he nudges me "see I'm not all bad" I laugh "sure" I sit on the couch in his room and he goes to the bathroom

I let my eyes dance around the room and I cackle as I see a photo of Alex when he was young

"What are you laughing about?" I giggle as he tackles me from my position on the couch "nothing nothing!" We play wrestle for a second but quickly stop "you we're a cute baby" I point to the picture and he goes pink "that was my third birthday, ma thought it was a good idea to make me wear that" I nod

"What's the charity?" He smiles "helping sick children in Mexico" I smile "you're an amazing person Alex" he shrugs "If I have the ability to help of course I'm gonna, I don't understand why people don't" I nod in agreement

"I'm so hungry" he whispers to himself "glad you said that, mw aswell" he jumps up and grabs his phone "hi could I get a pepperoni pizza and two cokes sent up here pleaseeee" I laugh "room service in your own home?" He nods "you do it" I put my hands up in defense

When the food comes we eat in silence as a movie plays in the background

"I need to stretch" he says randomly and I laugh "for what?" He groans "my game! I have to be prepared" I nod "well then stretch" I sit on his bed and watch as he stretches

His mouth falls open when he's doing a certain pose and I could only imagine- no stop

I try my hardest to keep my attention to the television but I simply cannot "fucking hell alex" I whisper and he looks up at me with a confused look

"What?" I shove my head in his pillow and stay like that, until I feel a dip in the bed next to me

"Is my sweaty shirtless body intriguing you?" I giggle into the pillow and turn around to gave him "of course not" he nods and lays next to me "well in that case, I'm gonna shower" he undresses as he walks to the bathroom and I get a full view of his tan ass

I hear the shower turn on and he leaves the door cracked slightly

I debate on what I should do for a minute but I eventually walk into the bathroom and see his silhouette through the foggy glass of his shower

He turns around and our eyes connect

Neither of us say anything but he opens the glass door and I smile, I strip of my clothing and step in hesitantly

"Hi" he whispers and I nod "hello" he takes some shampoo and starts massaging it into my scalp "that feels- amazing" he kisses me and I swear I almost melted

We both rinse our hair out then he grabs the soap and puts it in my hand "get my back?" I inhale sharply as he turns his back towards me

I rub the soap on him and I hear him moan at my touch, I scrub his shoulders then his back and eventually his tailbone. Once I've finished I put him under the water and watch the soap fall down the drain "your turn" he says while spinning me around

I feel his hands massage the soap into my skin and I love it- I've never felt this close to someone where it wasn't sexual. He works his hands around my naked back and I slowly melt into his touch "that feels amazing" I tell him and he kisses my shoulder "I want you to feel amazing" he puts me under the shower head and I smile

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