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Its been two weeks since the whole cake-gate and today I am going to dinner with bea and Phillip. As I'm getting ready I get a text from shaan and it's a phone number

Shaan- here's Alex's number, just because y'all did that interview doesn't mean you're off the hook. I want you two to become genuine friends and you better or trust me it won't be pretty for you.

I roll my eyes at the text but still put his number in my phone

Should I text? No. I shouldn't

I throw my phone on the bed and walk into my bathroom, I shower, brush my teeth and get dressed

I hear my phone ping

Alex- Hey prince dickwad it's Alex, Zarah told me to text you so that's what I'm doing

I shake my head at the name he calls me but quickly reply

Henry- great, another fan that I'm gonna have to block

Alex- fan? Hardly. Look I'm just trying to make amends, come to my New Year's party and let me show you how much fun I can actually be

I ponder on his invite and sigh

Henry- not sure if I'm willing to take that offer

Alex- what? You got something better to do? Look I'll send you the deets and you can decide. But don't take to long to rsvp cause shit gets crazy at an Alex Claremont-Diaz party

Henry- sure mate

I walk out of my room and find bea "beaaaaa" I walk the halls until I get to her room "yes Henry?" I smirk "I got invited to a party" she nods "that I'm sure you declined because you don't go out!" I shake my head "think I might go, it's in the states" her eyes widen

"Is this an Alex party" I nod and she shakes her head "what's with the sudden interest in Alex?" I scoff "no interest, but a party could be uh fun?" She laughs "you're gonna go all the way to the US just for a party that could be fun?" I groan

"I dunno I kinda feel like I have to make it up to Alex" I admit "why?" I shake my head "said some shitty things to him at the hospital" she nods "you never know when to just be nice do you?" I frown

"I know apologies aren't your thing so maybe you should make being nicer your thing. If you're rude to people they're gonna expect an apology if you want the relationship to continue" I shrug "it's been working out for me so far, haven't said the s word in years" she nods

"Yeah that's not something to be proud of Henry" I nod "some would disagree" I put out "some as in you?" I smirk "yep"

We continue this conversation in the car and at the restaurant, Phillip is utterly clueless and it's hilarious

He thinks he knows everything which is great because he knows little

"I have no reason to apologize, the person I've ever felt the need to apologize to is dead so you know what? There's no point. We all die bea" her mood suddenly switches "really Henry?" My brother says

"Yes really, both of you know it's true"

And I stand by that opinion, I don't see the point in saying sorry if I don't mean it.

Guess what I got today? The hard cover collectors addition of red white and royal blue. I'm on chapter 3 and it's already so different from the movie. Also I'm really wondering why June wasn't in the movie? She's like a main character... whatever I still love it


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