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I have to fly back to london today so I'm at the White House getting my stuff together. Alex unfortunately is at the hospital still because they need to do scans on him

"You have everything your royal highness?" Shaan asks, he came with me on the trip "oh uh yes, thanks" he takes my luggage and I open my phone to call Alex

"Henry thank god you called, I sprained my ankle so bad that it was almost a fracture but luckily enough it's not- I have to have a boot and crutches for two weeks but then after that just the boot. This sucks" I smile to myself as he rambles " that's not good" he sighs "you're packing right now aren't you?" I nod knowing he can't see me "uh yes I am, about to leave actually"

"Well I'll miss you" I shake my head at his words "yeah" my response was so cold I wish I could take it back "well safe travels your royal highness" he hangs up harshly and I nod and walk out to my limo

"You okay sir?" Shaan asks and I nod hesitantly "yep"
The first place I go is the children's hospital, I greet a few patients but then I dart to my favorite girls room

"Henry!" She squeals and I smile and hug her "hey love" she sits on her chair and I sit across from her

"You look stunning" she rolls her eyes "No I don't Henry I'm bald and pale" I shake my head "fell you're making it work" she giggles "how're you?" She asks and I groan

"Shit! Everything is shit mace- fuck- sorry for my language" she nods "it's okay! What's up?" I sighs "you know something about me that not many people know" she nods "and now I've found someone I'm interested it but it cannot happen" she frowns "Alex?" My eyes widen "how'd you know!?!" She smirks "I'm not blind"

"Saw him get hurt- also saw how you held him on the field" I smile "that was all recorded?" She nods "of course it was-so why'd you leave?" She asks "had stuff to do here" she laughs "like what? Get your shoes shined??" I laugh as well "no- my grandfather wants me here" she stands up and puts her hands on my shoulders "you need to stand up for yourself- you care about Alex. It's obvious-, but you need to care about yourself first"

I knew she was right "but you also need to let your guard down- he's not gonna hurt you the way you've been hurt before" I bite my lip and nod "who let you become so wise?" She shrugs "I dunno, but I'm serious. If I can't live the life I want- you need to do it for me. That starts with you being you"

She turns and looks out the window of her 10th floor room "if not for yourself, or for your lover- then for me?" The shake in her voice pains me "Macy I cannot and you must understand" she turns around harshly "no I mustn't! Your grandfather does HORRIBLE things to you Henry! All because you like boys and not girls! You're not sick- you don't have a disease, there is absolutely no cure to you being gay! You must leave that toxic place" my lip quivers "giving up my spot for a role in politics? I will not trade one prison for another" she scoffs "at least the other prison will accept you instead of abusing and hiding you"

We sit in silence "you can go"

"Mac-" she turns around sobbing "I SAID GO" that's when I pick up my coat and walk out into the lobby

"Prwince henry?" I hear a small frail voice say, I turn and see a little boy in a wheel chair hooked up to wires "hi darling" he smiles weakly "you're my hero.. when I grow up I wanna be you- just like you" my heart breaks

I glance at the lady behind him, assuming it's his mom I offer a picture and she smiles and nods "you're too kind to us" I shake my head "it's the least I can do" I feel his little hand hold my finger "wanna eat pizza with us? It's my last day" my eyes widen and I look at the mother who is absolutely heartbroken

"Honey, I'm sure the prince is very busy- im sorry he's just-" I cut her off "I absolutely adore pizza, let's go" I wheel him down to the cafeteria in the hospital and order the pizza and a slice of cake

"So what's your name?" I ask him "Alexander" I frown but quickly shake it off "my best mates name is Alexander" he smiles "really???" I nod "yes but you're much cooler" I see his mom wipe her face and I sigh "want to go get a bear from the gift shop?" He gasps "yes!!" We start heading there and he picks out a pink one

"What a lovely bear, let's get him" we check out

"Well we've gotta get him to his room now, thank you so much" I smile "of course, I'm sending you and your family prayers. And for you mr-stay strong okay?" The boy smiles at me with tear filler eyes "will do prince henry" I shake my head "none sense, only strangers call me that. My best mates call me Henry!" He giggles "bye Henry!" I hug him "bye lad"

I hug his mom and walk out of the hospital

I open my Instagram and post the pictures of me and him with the caption

"Met the sweetest boy today, glad I did. Please send your love to Alex and his family. Love you buddy #bestmates"

I smile as I press post

His mom immediately liked it and dmd me "you made his final hours the best ever, thank you so much Henry"

Tears start falling

"Shaan" he looks at me "yes sir?" I bite my lip "get me to the White House"

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