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Don't fuck up don't fuck up

I was up all night studying Alex, he is not 6'3
(I know In the book Henry is taller and Alex is shorter but Alex is taller in this story) I am so tired but I popped some adderall and drank about three cups of tea

I drive myself to the hospital and when I get there I see Alex standing and talking with some woman

"You're royal highness" shaan greets and I nod

"Let's get this over with" I walk past Alex and he rolls his eyes

We walk into a room and talk to the kids "hi everyone, I'm prince Henry as you all know. And this is Alex. He is the son of the president of the United States." They all let out a collective oooo

"Do you know what that means?" They shake their head "means his mommy has more power then mine" they groan "doesn't make him any cooler though" they giggle and Alex shakes his head "I'm glad I could be here with you all today, Henry feels the same" they smile at Alex's words

"Well we've gotta get going to different rooms but it was lovely chatting with you guys" we wave goodbye and walk out of that room. I go to a patient's room who has been there awhile and who I visit often

"Hey there love" I greet gently as I walk in her room "Henry!" She smiles and tries to get up and hug me "don't worry I can come to you" I walk over and hug her while she's still in her bed

Macy is a thirteen year old girl with stage three cancer, she's been coming/staying at this hospital for the past five years. She's actually like a little sister to me

"Sooo tell me what's up in the world of the prince" I smile "well I'm actually on damage control right now with.. remember that guy I hate from the states?" She nods "well him, Alex Claremont-Diaz" she nods

"I wanna meet him" I shake my head "No shot" she groans "so he's here? Which room?" I shrug "not sure, abandoned his ass to come see you" she shakes her head "how's school" I ask her and she shrugs "it sucks that I have to do it all over a computer- and my friends haven't visited me in weeks" I frown

"That sucks mace that sucks" she nods "so now can I meet Alex" I roll my eyes "you said all that to guilt trip me" she gives me puppy eyes "Henry he's so hot! I've seen pictures and I cannot pass up the opportunity to meet him while he's here in England! At the hospital I'm in to be in-fact" I shake my head "fine!"

I walk out the room to find Alex, once I do we quickly get shoved into a storage closet because there were loud noises that sounded like a threat

"Stay in here until I say so" Alex' security guard Amy says to us harshly

"Get off of me" I groan as his whole body weight is on my leg "I would if there was room" he says back as we both wiggle around, getting to a semi-comfortable spot "Always on top of each other hey?" He tries to joke but I just sigh

"I don't get it" he says as he positions himself to look at me "why don't you like me." I shake my head "Alex. What is there to like?" I say while staring in his eyes, he looks hurt by my words "sorry didn't realize I was that horrible to be around" he says sadly and I nod

"I don't hate you, as you stated at my brother wedding. I just don't enjoy your presence" he scoffs "I've never done anything to you, we've met once!" He starts to get loud "you're just a loud person who annoys me" he looks at the floor

"Well you're not great company either- in fact you were so rude to me when we met. My mother had just became president and it was my first public appearance and I come over and immediately you turn to your guards and say 'get me out of here' and walk off! How do you expect me to react to that???" He explains and I nod

"That's not entirely what I said, it had been only a couple months since my father passed and the palace had made sure everyone saw me 24/7 to know I was 'just peachy' so I wasn't exactly thrilled to be there. And also I said 'I need to get out of here' not 'get me out of here' which are two completely different things" he turns away

"Still hurt" I nod "well shit hurts" he looks at me and I cock an eyebrow "are you expecting an apology out of me from you getting your feelings hurt four years ago?" He shrugs "doesn't matter anyway, we won't be seeing each other for a while after today" he spits "if we don't get shot by some crazy lunatic that's in here" I start to panic

Macy- is she ok?

And as my mind starts going to a dark place the door open "threat neutralized" Amy says and I sigh "is everyone alright?" Alex asks and his security nods "some kid brought a firework for his friend" I nod

Alex glances at me and gets up, walking away with Amy

We do the interview an hour later and surprisingly he knew a lot, claims it's only because he had to study

"Well it's been a great pleasure your royal highness" he gets on the right side of me because shaan told him that's protocol and shakes my hand "yep" I say as we get one last picture then go our separate ways

Ok so I love Alex anddd I love how I have been adding my own spice to the story. Obviously certain scenes are from the movie but I add my own touch

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