𝟒𝟏| #𝟏 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐛𝐲 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭

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(How fucking dare I?! I haven't even written about The Man they call King?! Bro - I call myself a fan! Robbin is one of my favourite guitarists, so good he's in top 3, may your soul and music live on big guy - Rest In Peace. <3).

-Oc's name is Rose due to me using certain characteristics that obviously not all of you will have - such as height, she's 4'11 and I'm 5'3 - so please if you see this height, it's just an OC and not meant to indicate you or Y/N - Thank youuuu.

It was freezing - her hands were around her small frame as she tried to grope at any source of warmth she could find. Her mind in a whirl as she walked around for a building worth-while going into.

She found a bar - may as well, right? Her legs moved one in front of the other as she made it into the warmth, sighing softly as it was a little better than outside - she walked further and looked around. Her air was taken from her lungs as she looked at a table - colour along with black was over by that table - five young men laughing together, hair wild and smiles on their faces reaching their eyes. They were truly having a good time. 
She saw Robbin and gasped in fan girl (girl same) and put a hand to her mouth. "You a fan of those guys, huh?" She jumped - turning to the bartender who was smirking and cleaning a glass, "Mhm - mostly Robbin," She said, "That so? They come here often - Robbin's usually quiet, Stephen does most the talkin'," He smiled - she nodded her head, "Y-yeah, yeah! Yeah I know, I watch their interviews - I wish he spoke more, like Mick Mars of Motley Crue? Wish he spoke more," She sighed.

"Oh well, my dear, can't help that," He smiled and put the glass down, "Can I get ya anythin'?" He asked, "U-Um, I don't drink, do you have bottled water?" She asked nervously, "Sure do," He said and got her a cold bottle, "Thank you sir," She sighed, "Call me James - I expect once you meet the Ratt boys you'll be here all the time," He teased - she smiled softly and walked on.

Some girl got up from a table with a huff - clearly so angry she would take it out on someone she didn't even know. Just like that - she shoulder checked Rose who squeaked and tripped - she felt something soft under her, before she heard men laugh. She quickly looked to see - oh my goodness.

Dare I say?

Dare I mention? The horror...

She was on Robbin Crosby's fucking lap. "I-I'm so sorry! Sir- king, mister - whatever," She blushed in embarrassment, quickly hopping to her feet, he simply chuckled lowly and smiled at her. "Don't worry about it, not your fault - that girl was just kind of grumpy," He smiled - she was so red and it didn't help that his band mates were laughing their asses off.

"Don't drink?" Robbin asked as she had a bottle of water, "N-no, I prefer water, always have," She mumbled, he nodded with a smile and she went to walk away - "Now now doll, it's impolite to walk off when someone's talking," He grabbed her hand and pulled her back - she squeaked as she once more fell on his lap.

She went to escape but he gently stopped her, "Relax - now, what's your name?" He asked, "Rose," She murmured nervously, "Rose," he smiled softly and tested the name out, "Very pretty - your skin is as cold as ice," He chuckled as he felt her cold hands, "I was in the cold - I take forever to warm up," She told him, "It's 'cause ya tiny," He smiled - she smiled a little and squeaked as he lifted her up a bit to get her at a better angle, gently hugging her and playing with her hair. "'M not tiny, you see everyone as tiny, I bet you see your own bandmates as tiny," She said - making the others chuckle.
"I come up to just below his shoulder and I'm 5'10 - so," Bobby smiled, "Now you make me feel like a midget," She sighed softly.

"Why? How small are you?" Robbin asked, "Question is tall," She said, "Small - you're short as fuck," He said making her huff, "I'm 4'11," She told him, sighing as he simply chuckled a little, "4'11 huh? I'm a foot and... six inches taller than you," He smiled, "Yeah yeah - rub it in, tell the whole world," She sighed making him chuckle.

"What ya doin' out here at night, all alone?" He asked - "Boredom, pure boredom, can't do shit at the moment, plus I've got nerves for this shit I've got to do tomorrow - ugh," She sighed softly, "What ya nervous for darlin'?" He asked - she blushed a little, "...You'll laugh at me," She said, "Nah I won't, what? Losin' ya virginity?" He teased - she blushed dark red and smacked his arm gently making him howl with laughter.

"'m going to get these cats that I want - but I have to meet the person," She mumbled, "Not good with people - ya shy?" He asked, his band were in their own world at this point. "Been like this since I was young - you know? Panic attacks and all, get used to it," she told him and felt his finger on her nose.

"You good?" She smiled - "Just feelin' the bump," He said rubbing the bridge of her nose, "I was four - I slammed my face into a cabinet," she chuckled, "Feel good?" He joked, "Mhm - so good I went to hospital," she joked making him snicker.

As he got up to take her home she gaped up at him - "I knew you were tall, but holy fuck," She said in awe making him chuckle softly, "Shortie," He smiled and grabbed her hand - they went outside together and she walked down the road with him by her side.


Months passed and she would cling to his arm dramatically as he walked, whining as he'd be too fast - even if it was just his walking speed. "Giant, slow down!" She'd pout - he'd walk very slowly and just give up, throwing her over his shoulder making her squeal and kick her legs around.


I hate this.

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 - 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now