Chapter 16

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For several days, Teng Yingzhi followed Teng Song like a little tail, wherever he went, and almost got into bed with him at night.

Until the morning of the 20th, I watched him get into the car in the snow.

Shu Di got out of the car early and opened the back seat door for Teng Song. After Teng Song got in, Teng Yingzhi took two steps forward unconsciously.

Behind him was Teng Ruicheng, who was also seeing off the head of the family, congratulating Xitang, and He Ji was also among them. Uncle Lu and the servants of the main building were lined up at a distance with respectful faces.

After the car door was closed, Shu Di returned to the cab. The Maybach did not move for a long time. The dim window of the back seat was lowered, revealing Teng Yan's handsome profile. He turned his head and looked at Teng Yingzhi. Although he had no expression, his words were very... Wen Wen said, "What's wrong?"

Teng Ying was stunned. He didn't want to do anything. He just realized that his brother was leaving, and he felt uncomfortable.

After all, since He Ji came back, this home is no longer a home for him. After his brother left, he was the only one left here, facing his prejudiced parents, He Ji who was eyeing him, and the subsequent ridicule and ridicule.

"Nothing..." Teng Yingzhi walked to the car window, slowly put on a bright smile, and said obediently: "Brother, see you on New Year's Eve."

Teng Song looked at him silently, the fair-skinned and delicate boy blowing in the cold wind After a while, the tip of her nose turned red, and her long eyelashes like crow feathers were covered with a layer of light white frost, which surrounded her clear and clear eyes, giving her slender face a hint of pitifulness.

"Go back, be careful not to get sick." Teng Song did not respond to his request to see you on New Year's Eve. After he told her, he raised the car window, started the Maybach and left, crushing the snow on the ground.

Teng Yingzhi bowed to the taillights of the car, and when he turned around, he met He Ji's unexplained gaze.

He Ji raised his lips and smiled: "See you tomorrow."

Then his mother's concerned voice came mixed with the wind, "Xiao Ji, go back to the house quickly. Why don't you wear more clothes when you come out? Be careful of catching a cold."

Dad took off his coat . Put it on He Ji's shoulders, protecting him as he walked towards the main building, avoiding the cold wind and snow.

Teng Yingzhi, who was not paying attention, wrapped herself tightly in the woolen sweater that did not protect her from the wind, kicked the snow and ran away from them, heading towards her small building.

Lunch and dinner are all served in the restaurant of the small building.

The day passed like this, no one came, no one was seen.

Before going to bed that night, Uncle Lu brought over several sets of dresses for him to choose from in order to attend tomorrow's birthday party. Uncle Lu looked at Teng Yingzhi carefully choosing a dress with a little pity in his eyes. The 21st was originally the young master's birthday, but now it has been pushed back one day. What is being exchanged is not birthday dates, but clearly telling everyone that what is being exchanged is their lives.

Although Uncle Lu was not qualified to comment, it did not prevent him from having opinions on the matter in his heart.

It's a good thing that Young Master He Ji was found out of exile, but there is no need to step on the Young Master's face to defend him and compensate him.

In just a few days, the young master has suffered a lot of grievances. If Mr. Teng hadn't come back to protect him, the husband and wife would have killed the young master unjustly just because of the walnut cake matter, without listening to a single explanation.

Uncle Lu looked at the trace of green that remained on Teng Yingzhi's cheek and sighed in his heart. Even though the walnut cake matter had been clarified, the attitude of Mr. and Mrs. towards the young master had not changed much. They were still thinking of congratulations. On Master Ji.

"That's it." Teng Yingzhi picked out a low-key black suit, took it out and hung it aside.

"Is this set too plain?" Uncle Lu asked.

Teng Yingzhi shrugged nonchalantly, "What's wrong with being plain? I'm not the star of the party."

Her parents would definitely be unhappy if she dressed brightly and stole He Ji's spotlight.

Moreover, he went to this banquet to be treated as a joke, so he dressed low-key. The less people noticed him, the less ridicule he would receive.

Uncle Lu felt even more distressed when he heard what he said. He wanted to say something to comfort him, but he really didn't know what to say.

He was hurt and stabbed by his parents, and nothing an outsider could say could comfort him.

Teng Yingzhi was not as sad as Uncle Lu imagined. She was reviewing the details of the banquet plot while sleeping. This birthday party shows the attitude of parents who value He Ji more. It is a declaration to the outside world. It is a great point of He Ji's rebirth and return, and Teng Yingzhi is the supporting role to set off him.

The true young master is surrounded by stars and loved by his parents. The status of the fake young master is no longer there and he is left to be ridiculed.

After reviewing the details, Teng Yingzhi went to sleep with peace of mind. Anyway, after the scene of being surrounded by everyone and laughing at him was over, he would just find a place where no one was around to eat and drink, and wait for the crowd to die down.

Probably because of the accumulated disappointment in the past, her parents' unfair attitude is no longer so painful to Teng Yingzhi.

At the dinner party the next day, the main building was filled with lights and candlelight, and the decoration was gorgeous and bright. The manor was filled with luxury cars, and countless well-dressed upper class people attended. They were all well-known celebrities and young second and third generation people from Beijing. Many people may not have much interaction with Teng Ruicheng and He Xitang, but they all know in their hearts that this is not a simple birthday dinner, but Teng's introduction to the outside world about the recovered young master He Ji.

This kind of thing about the real and fake young master might be laughed at in other families, but if it happened in the Teng family, it would only make people envious.

He was envious that He Ji could become a member of the Teng family after just 20 years of hard work. Still, with his noble status as Mr. Teng's younger brother, he could easily step on wealth and power under his feet.

Before Teng Yingzhi came out of the small building, she received a warning text message from her mother He Xitang: Don't cause trouble for me tonight.

He was stunned for a long time. This detail was not in the comics. It caught him off guard for a moment, and a trace of sadness surged in his heart.

It was obviously He Ji who was provoking him these past few days. Did his mother really not see it? No matter how flamboyant the original owner was in the past, it was him who she had been getting along with day and night in the past two years. This is how my mother thought about him. She thought he was occupying the magpie's nest, and thought he would maliciously target He Ji?

Teng Yingzhi was sad and angry, and impulsively smashed her phone.

He hid in the cloakroom for a long time, rubbing the soreness around his eyes in front of the mirror, and then went out after regaining his composure.

The banquet had started long ago. The hall was well-dressed and well-lit, and his parents were leading He Ji to chat and introduce him to acquaintances. He Ji was wearing a priceless haute couture dress today, which made him tall and straight, making every move elegant and graceful. Master Teng's dignity has been revealed in him. Many young masters and ladies in the circle have never met him before tonight, but now they are all talking and joking around him as if they are old friends.

Teng Yingzhi was surrounded before, but now he has already walked into the hall and found a place to sit down. No one came to say hello to him, as if they didn't see him at all.

Although he is still the young master of the Teng family, this banquet has shown that his status has plummeted. He is no longer favored by the superiors, but he only has an empty reputation.

Teng Yingzhi didn't feel bad about this. In Vanity Fair, everyone had their own thoughts and purposes. He was used to this kind of situation before he came here.

He held a glass of red wine and swung his legs in the corner, waiting for the ridiculed episode to pass so that he could go back to his small building and sleep.

Just when he was half-way down a glass of wine and a little tipsy, the plot hadn't even started yet, but a figure with a chilly air came to his side. The man even put his arm directly on Teng Yingzhi's shoulders and pulled him away. Take it into your arms!

Teng Yingzhi was startled and almost spilled his wine. He turned around and glared angrily. When he saw the handsome young man with sharp eyebrows under the light, his whole body froze, fear arose spontaneously, and he even held his breath for a moment. Living.

Huo Qinglin.

The person who married He Ji in the previous life was crazy and arrogant, and almost tortured He Ji to death.

And in this life, she is his marriage partner.

Huo Qinglin is a person who has been written a lot, but the portrayal in the book is very one-sided. Almost all the scripts about him are accompanied by He Ji's pain and Teng Yingzhi's torture.

His madness was too exaggerated. Although it was not clearly stated in the book, Teng Yingzhi had a strong feeling when reading the book that Huo Qinglin had blood on his hands.

In fact, in the previous life, the Huo family and Teng Rui Chenghe Xitang were talking about the marriage candidate with Teng Yingzhi. However, Teng Yingzhi belonged to someone else and her love was very strong. Naturally, she did not agree to marry Huo Qinglin. In the end, she acted coquettishly and relied on her parents' love. He Ji pushed out.

Because Huo Qinglin did not marry Teng Yingzhi, he disliked He Ji everywhere and tortured him in every possible way.

In this life, the statuses of Teng Yingzhi and He Ji have been exchanged. Just seeing how much their parents cherish He Ji now, it is impossible for them to be willing to let him get married. According to the book, Teng Yingzhi, who was no longer favored, was forced to marry Huo Qinglin.

This Huo Qinglin, who took out his anger on He Ji before marrying Teng Yingzhi in his last life, now gets to be with Teng Yingzhi as he wished, but tortures Teng Yingzhi again.

He realized that Teng Yingzhi had someone else in his heart, and became furious, even going crazy and breaking one of the original owner's legs. It can be said that the torture that Teng Yingzhi is going to suffer under Huo Qinglin is even more severe than what He Ji suffered in his previous life.

When Teng Yingzhi read the comics, he was not sure whether the character Huo Qinglin's feelings for the original owner were love. He was so crazy that it made people's scalp numb.

Teng Yingzhi's pain is He Ji's revenge, and it is also exciting for readers. The original book has a large plot related to it.

Teng Yingzhi did not expect to meet Huo Qinglin so early, and was so frightened that he almost screamed. He immediately wanted to run away, but Huo Qinglin held his shoulders firmly and held him in place.

"What are you doing!" Teng Yingzhi's voice was already trembling, and the fear deep in his heart made his eyes turn red.

Thinking of the plot with Huo Qinglin, and even having to have such a forced sex on the night of the wedding...

Huo Qinglin caught a glimpse of the fear in Teng Yingzhi's eyes, as if he had discovered something interesting, he put it on to ward off evil spirits. He raised his lips and smiled extravagantly.

He slowly approached Teng Yingzhi, looking at him like a little animal that had no way to escape and could only tremble beside him. He smelled the warm and obedient breath in his neck, lowered his voice and chuckled: "Interesting. Are you afraid of me?"

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