Chapter 1

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   Forest has been working with her best friend Courtney for 2 years now. Today was just another day at work.

   Forest woke up early today so she sat with her black cat Binx for a while before taking a shower and brushing her teeth, then drying off before throwing on a MCR band tee and some black ripped jeans. She brushed out her dyed blue hair and put it in a half up half down with a black ribbon. She threw on her shoes, then finished her morning routine of going to say goodbye to her cat.

"Bye Binxy! I'll see you later."

   She got into her white car and began her drive to work which was close to twenty minutes. She spent the whole drive singing to musical songs as always. It was a wide variety of songs. Wicked, Hadestown, Heathers, whatever she could listen to.

   As she pulls into the office she parks in the same spot as always before grabbing her sage green book bag and walking inside. She's immediately greeted by a girl with short blonde hair and a bright smile.

"Hey love!" Courtney begins, "Did you know they were bringing in a new guy today?"

    Forest was confused immediately. A new guy? She knew Shayne was talking about trying to get his best friend to join, but had no idea that it was even close to official yet. Let alone him actually starting.

"Oh no I didn't. I'm sure I'll meet them soon, though." Forest finally replied after a long moment of contemplation.

   Forest knew that a lot of people have been leaving recently due to management problems, or just wanting to be on their own. Even one of her best friends, Lasercorn, is planning on leaving soon which breaks her heart.

   She has always been close to Lasercorn and his daughter Tosha, but she understood wanting to leave. Was this new guy supposed to take his spot? Maybe that's why they hired him since there will be a spot open on the games channel now.

   Forest and Courtney decided to let Forest and 'the new guy' meet whenever they bump into each other. They decided for now to just go look at the call sheet for the day.

   It looks like they were in videos together all day today. A Try Not To Laugh, and the last ever Put It In My Mouth with Noah, Courtney being the food girl. Forest isn't a picky eater at all so she figured she'd be fine. As Forest looks at the call sheet for Try Not To Laugh, she sees a name she didn't recognize. It read 'Damien', so she decided to ask about it.

   "Hey, is that the new guy?" She asks, pointing to the name Damien.

Courtney follows to where she was pointing, nodding her head. "Oh yeah it is. I guess he's filming with us already" Court replied.

   "Ok so I guess I'll meet him quicker than I thought." Forest lets out a nervous laugh.

   "Yeah, well we have a bit of time before filming. Do you want to go talk to Harper with me?" Court asks, obviously wanting to go see her girlfriend.

   "Yeah, of course."

   They walk towards the short girl with medium length black hair who was immediately excited to see them both. Harper's demeanor immediately changed, walking over to the two girls with a bright smile.

"Oh, hey babe! Hi Buzz!" Harper says.

   "Hi Harpsters!" Forest responds, returning the smile. Ever since they've become friends, they have been calling each other those nicknames and it seems there is no end to it any time soon.

   Courtney simply responds with a hug, and a quick peck on the lips. Forest sees Aaliyah and Shayne, and decides to leave the couple alone while she goes to talk to her friends.

   "Well I'll leave you two love birds alone, see you on set Court." Forest says before walking away.

   Forest then walks over to the two blonde siblings who didn't seem to quite catch sight of her yet. Aaliyah joined about a year after Forest did, but they immediately got along so well and became great friends.

   "Hey girl! I love your outfit." Forest compliments.

   "Oh thank you! I just kinda threw it on." Aaliyah responds with a laugh.

  Forest joins her with a quick laugh, before changing her direction to Shayne. "So Shayne, I heard your friend is starting today?" Forest asks curiously.

   "Oh yeah. I forgot you weren't here when we decided that. But yeah, Damien is starting today. I promise you'll love him" Shayne responded with a smile, seeming very excited about him joining.

   Forest was a bit skeptical but she always has been the type to give people a fighting chance. Their conversation lasts a little longer, before Forest checks her phone to see she is about to be running late for set.

   "Oh shoot guys, I gotta go. My call time is like, right now" Forest says, giving the two a brief wave before turning, and jogging in the other direction.

   "Oh wait! I'm supposed to be in that video too!" Shayne runs after her in a hurry.

   Right as she gets on set, she sees the normal cast, plus an addition. There was Court, Olivia, Noah, Keith, and of course Shayne who walked in right as she did. Shayne immediately walked up to his friend and her gaze follows him.

   She then finally sees the new guy. He has short brown hair, brown eyes, and the most beautiful smile she has ever seen. Well, that must be Damien.

   "Man he's cute" She thinks before walking up to talk to Courtney. But Forest didn't notice his eyes following her, him being just as curious as she was.

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