(2) Chapter 6

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Damien's pov
    He quickly walks up to shayne wanting to talk about what's been happening in his mind. However, as he walks up he decides it better to keep it a secret for now. He has no idea if Forest likes him, heck he doesn't even know if he likes her.

    Instead he talks to Shayne about the basics of the video and about what he's been up to, trying anything just to get his mind off of Forest. Usually talking to Shayne would distract Damien from anything happening considering they are best friends but for some reason the thoughts of Forest stayed prominent on his mind.

    Shayne could tell something was up with Damien but he didn't want to push him to tell if he didn't want to. He decided he would simply ask but if he didn't answer he wouldn't pry. "So, How's your day been? You doin alright?"

   Damien stresses for a second thinking Shayne can see right through him, but keeps his calm on the outside "Yeah it was great. I just filmed a couple videos, nothing too exciting."

    Shayne simply nods. He knows Damien will share when he's ready, that's how their friendship has always been. They continue to talk for a bit before it's time to head home for the day.

Forests pov
    As soon as the video was over Courtney rushes over to Forest. Courtney has always been good about picking up the little things whereas Forest never was. Forest turns to Court when she walks up because she can see the excited look on her face. 

    Court drags Forest to a more quiet area before talking in a hushed voice as if she was about to share the greatest secret of all time."Forest, did you see the way Damien was looking at you?" She speaks excitedly even in the hushed tone.

    Forest looks at Court with a confused face trying to figure out what she was talking about. She stares at Court for a moment before just deciding to ask "What the hell are you talking about Court?"

    "He was staring at you during the whole video! He couldn't even pay attention the the game" Court says as if she knows for a fact she's right.

    Even with that Forest doubts what Court says "That's nonsense. You don't know what he was staring at or if he was even staring." She says trying to put off her friend from this crazy line of thought.

    Court shakes her head, she grabs Forest's shoulders speaking to her again "Bro, I literally had to tell him when it was his turn because he was too busy staring at you."

    Forest laughs slightly, shaking her head "Maybe he's just having a bad day. Sometimes ADHD gets the best of you." Forest says still giving an excuse.

     Court shakes her head at her friend knowing she will shut down any form of evidence she doesn't see with her own eyes. "Whatever you say but I know what I saw." Court says before walking away.

    As Forest watches Court leave she can't help but think about what she said. Was Damien staring? Secretly Forest definitely hoped he was but she didn't want to get her hopes up too high just to be let down.

    Forest takes a deep breath before shaking her head almost as if to clear her head. She walks off set back to her desk. As much as she wants to go home she decides she should probably get some editing done.

    Forest is a bit of an overachiever so when she was told she could do more than just be cast she wanted to do it all. She offered to help write, direct and edit. She knows how to do all of them so why not use her skills.

    She tries to focus on editing but she can't help but see Damien talking to Shayne. She can't help but wonder what they are talking about, and she can't help but admire from afar.

    After far longer than Forest would like to admit she got back to editing. She finishes editing her part of the video after about an hour and a half. She closes her computer leaning back in her chair and sighs.

    After sitting for a second she grabs her bag throwing it on her shoulder as she stands up. She feels her back crack as she stretches out. She's one of the last ones to leave today so she quickly says goodbye to the few people remaining, including Courtney and her girlfriend.

    Forest walks out to her car before quickly starting it just wanting to get home already. She drives home in relative silence just letting her brain rest from the long day. She pulls into her driveway grabbing her bag before hopping out of her car. She threw her bag down and hung her keys up before walking to her room. She changes into comfortable clothes before walking back out to her living area.

     As she sits on the couch she already knows this isn't going to be a great night. For some reason when she gets home in the silence after a long day it's like her body goes into fight or flight. Like her body is too used to the chaos and is confused by the silence. As she sits and watches TV she can feel her tics start to act up.

    She groans as she rubs her neck. Her most common tic being throwing her head back or blinking her eyes. As if Binx can tell something is up he runs over to Forest and sits on her lap. Forest pets him softly as she continues to tic. "You're the best Binxy"

     After a while of sitting with Binx, Forests tics start to settle. They are never at zero but at least it's not as bad as before. However, Forest is completely exhausted now. She moves to her bed after kissing her cat goodnight. She falls asleep almost as soon as her head hits the pillow.

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