Chapter 3

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  Forest walks off set to grab a snack before doing their decompression routine. As they walk into the kitchen area, they run into Anthony and his girlfriend Dakota. Dakota and Forest have grown to be pretty close over the years and she was one of the first people to make Forest feel welcome in Smosh. Sadly, Forest doesn't really feel like talking to anyone right now.

Forest grabs a bag of cheez-its and nods at Dakota, then walks out of the kitchen. Thankfully, Dakota has learned that sometimes Forest just wants to be left alone and that simple nod was her way of saying 'hi, love ya but i gotta go'. Understanding the feeling, Dakota let's Forest leave and goes back to her conversation with her boyfriend.

Forest looks at the call sheet one more time seeing that they have about an hour and a half before the next video. 'Perfect' she thinks as she goes to find an empty room which is not hard in this place.

She finds a random room and goes in to sit down, opening her snack and enjoying the silence. She grabs her phone and sets a timer for an hour to give herself time to get to set. After about 20 minutes of sitting in silence and scrolling through instagram, she sees the door open. Looking up in confusion, she finds Damien standing there, still holding onto the door knob.

"Oh shoot, sorry! I didn't know anyone was in here. I can go." Damien says quickly as he goes to close the door.

"No, it's ok, I'm just sitting. You can come in if you'd like." Forest tells him, stopping him from leaving as there was a small part of her that wanted him to stay.

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt you." Damien asks, making sure it's really ok, and she wasn't saying it just to be nice since he was new.

"Yeah! Come on in." Forest smiles.

"Thank you. sorry, it's just really hectic out there." Damien says, trying to explain himself.

"Yeah, I totally get it. That's why I came here too. I always have to find somewhere quiet to go after filming." She says explaining herself as well.

Forest goes back to scrolling on her phone as Damien does the same, enjoying the silent environment opposed to the insanely loud office right outside. Weirdly, it's almost more comforting for both of them to have another person there even though they aren't saying anything.

A lot of time with a new person, silence feels awkward, but with Damien it didn't feel like that, it was just comfortable. There was a positive and nice presence that radiated off of him, and she was really enjoying it.

After about 30 minutes Forest decides to break the silence, sensing something feeling a little off. "Hey, are you doing ok? I know this place can be stressful sometimes." Forest asks genuinely.

"Yeah I'm alright. It's just a lot all at once." He replies not exactly sure why he's answering so honestly. Damien is usually the type to just say he's fine, especially to people he just met. But with Forest, it was different. For some reason he felt like he didn't have to be fake with her.

"I totally get that. I just want you to know that you're doing great." She turned her body to face him completely. "Like honestly, it's really impressive. Just be kind to yourself. You are taking on a lot right now."

That was something that Forest was always proud of herself for. Giving advice was definitely one of her strong suits, since growing up she was always the one her close friends would go to for any inconveniences they were facing.

Damien is shocked for a second. Forest doesn't even know him that well, yet that was some of the best advice he's gotten in a long time. "Thank you, that actually means a lot" He says after getting over the initial shock of the moment.

And just as Forest was going to respond, her alarm sounded loudly, shocking both of them. She quickly turned it off before standing up and turning back to Damien. "I gotta get to set, but think about what I said alright?"

Forest walks out leaving Damien in the dim room, leaving him to his thoughts. He was wondering why Forest was being so open and kind to him after just meeting not too long ago.

Eventually he got up and went to the Put It In My Mouth set since he didn't have any more videos to film that day. He didn't know Forest was going to be on that set as well.

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