Chapter 2

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   Forest had just walked up to her best friend to yell at her for not telling them the new guy was actually cute.

   "Court, you could've warned me that he was cute!" She says in a hushed voice so the boys couldn't hear her.
   "You think he's cute? Well then you should probably go say hi." Court says, her voice going up an octave as it surprised her. She hasn't seen Forest be even slightly interested in anyone since she broke up with her ex, and that was in senior year of high school.

   "I'll go say hi, but don't say anything. I'm serious." Forest responds knowing Court would get way too excited about this for no reason, she doesn't even know the guy yet.

Damiens pov

   Damien decided to get to set early just in case. There were a few other people there that he introduced himself to but now he was just scrolling through his instagram waiting for his best friend.

   Finally, Shayne walks in with a girl he hasn't seen yet. Their eyes meet for a second before they both turn away. Shayne walks up to Damien who immediately asks who the girl is.

   "Oh that's Forest, she's great! You'd love her." Shayne responds, kind of trying to play match-maker for the two.

   "Bro you could've warned me I was filming with her. I would've made myself look way nicer" He says in the same hushed voice Forest was using unknowingly

   "Oh hey she's coming over here" Shayne tells his friend quickly.

Forests pov
   Forest takes a deep breath and decides to walk over and introduce herself before they start filming.

   "Hey you're Damien right? I'm Forest, but a lot of people call me Dani too. It's nice to meet you!" She says in a friendly manner, trying to make a good first impression.

   "Hey! Yeah, I'm Damien. It's good to meet you." Damien responds nervously, putting his hand out for a hand shake.

   Forest shakes his hand, but right as Forest was about to start a conversation, she hears the director call for everyone to get set for the video. She gives an awkward smile to Damien before going to surround Keith who was sitting in the stool first.

   Seeing how Damien and Shayne interact throughout the video makes Forest smile. She can tell they are going to be fun to be around. They make eachother laugh the hardest and even though Damien doesn't know the rest of the crew that well, he still manages to make each of them laugh with his bits.

   Forest decides to do one of her recurring bits on Damien so she quickly puts on a sweater vest and grabs a notebook before telling Olivia the plan. Once the time starts Olivia runs out doing whatever Olivia normally does and Forest pulls up a stool beside Damien.

   "So how are we doing with those hallucinations, is she in the room with us right now?" Forest says calmly, not even batting an eye over at Olivia to give the full effect of the bit.

   Damien immediately starts laughing, spitting out the water that was previously in his mouth. Forest laughs at him softly and walks back behind the prop area, taking the costume off.

   By the time the video was over Forest's stomach hurt from laughing so much. Once the video was over Forest quickly walks over to Damien telling him how good he did. "That was so great! You're a natural!"

   "Oh thank you! Your bits were great too!" He responds with an excited tone, showing that he was getting on with the cast so well already.

"Well I'm going to decompress before the next video, but really you did great today." Forest says, resting a hand on his shoulder briefly before walking off.

   As Damien watches her walk away, he can't help but question the feeling in his stomach telling him to go after her. No matter how crazy it sounds, Damien has a feeling that they will be good friends very soon.

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