(2) Chapter 7

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    Forest wakes up the next morning with a bit of a crick in her neck. She turns off her alarm and stretches her neck out groaning slightly. She decides to take a quick hot shower to see if it helps.

    She gets out of the shower feeling a bit better than before. She throws on a pair of baggy blue ripped jeans with a 'Protect Kids Not Guns' shirt finishing off the look with her belt and vans. She decided she didn't want to put her contacts in today so she grabbed her glasses.

     She quickly feeds her cat saying goodbye as she grabs her bag to head out of the door. She makes her drive to the office shuffling her random playlist and singing to whatever comes on.

    Once she arrives she pulls into her usual spot. She fixes her hair a bit in the rear view mirror before grabbing her bag to head inside.

    As soon as she walks in she's greeted by Courtney who has a bright smile on her face. She walks up to Forest with a bounce in her step. "Hi love!"

    Forest laughs at her slightly while walking with her to her desk to sit her bag down. She sits down at her desk as she talks. "What are you so happy about?"

    Courtney sits at her desk beside Forests, leaning on her elbow to look at Forest. "Well I get to do my favorite thing today." She says a joking tone to her voice.

    Forest shakes her head, her gaze focused on her computer trying to look for the cast list for the day "And what would that be?"

    Courtney gasps and puts her hand on her chest like she's offended that Forest didn't already know "Flirt with you of course!" She says in an over exaggerated voice.

     As Court says that Forest finally sees the cast list. They are filming a couple Every Blank Evers today and one of them was every couple ever. Looking at the script, Court and Forest play a couple multiple times. Forest's eyes widen for a moment when she sees that she also plays a couple with Damien in a few scenes.

    Forest gets taken out of her thoughts by Courtney's voice. She didn't hear Court's full sentence but she heard enough to infer Court was saying something flirty about the two of them so Forest simply laughs.

    After a couple hours of talking and working on random editing or writing the two girls head to set. Once they arrive they see Shayne, Ian, Olivia, Keith, Noah, Kimmy, and last but not least Damien. The director gives them a run down of the first science which is Noah and Kimmy.

    Forest stifles her laughter behind the camera as she watches the scene. Next scene was her and Damien. She wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans before getting in front of the camera. She follows exactly what the director said despite barely being able to breath due to how close she was to Damien.

    There were a couple more scenes between the cast and then it was time for the Court and Forests scene. Anytime the two girls play a couple they lay it on heavy. A lot of fans assumed they were together at one point.

    Forest joins Court on set and they start flirting before the cameras even turn on. Throughout the scene Court has to flirt with Forest a lot and Forest responds. Due to the fact the two girls were so comfortable together they didn't mind flirting with each other. Forest refuses to kiss Court anymore though because she values her and Harper's relationship.

    However throughout the scene they flirt a lot and Court backs Forest up to a wall. Forest pretends to blush and giggle the whole time. Forest didn't notice the daggers Damien was giving to Court.

Damien's pov
    Seeing Forest walk on set immediately causes Damien to look away even though he didn't want to. He saw the script that he was going to play a couple with her today. Of course he was playing a couple with Kimmy and Olivia too, but for some reason when he read Forest's name he was far more excited for the video.

    Before he knew it, it was time for his and Forest scene. He followed the directors instruction but all he could focus on was how Forest looked. She was a couple inches shorter than him and she had a slight blush in her cheeks the whole time. Damien's mind sent him two ways when seeing her blush: either she feels the chemistry too, or she's a good actress.

    Damien and Forest finish the scene standing together for a second too long before heading in separate directions behind the cameras. Next it was time for Forest and Courtney's scene.

    Damien knew the two girls had a scene together, but he didn't know it would bother him this much. The cameras haven't even started rolling and they are already flirting. Damien clenches his teeth as they continue to flirt throughout the scene.

    He doesn't even notice until his jaw hurts and the scene is over. He can't figure out why he feels like this. It's not like him and Forest are together but he feels so... Jealous? No it can't be that.... Can it?

    He shakes his head trying to get his mind off of her. However it doesn't work very well when the very next scene includes both of them playing a couple. Since the two of them didn't have partners the writers had no problem writing a kiss between the two. To be fair they both agreed, but they are both regretting that a bit now.

Forest pov
    "Ok so this is the kiss scene so you guys are going to start slow dancing and then slowly lean in. Got it?" The director says to Damien and Forest as they stand together.

    As the director tells them to get set Damien places his hands on Forest's waist. Forest feels like she's being electrocuted by his touch but she also never wants him to move. She wraps her arms lazily around his neck. As they stare into each other's eyes they hear the director call action.

     They start swaying together to the music, not taking their eyes off one another. When given the cue by the director they slowly start to lean in. As their lips connect they both immediately melt into the kiss. Forest mind is usually racing but she feels every thought leave her mind.

    The director calls cut and the two pull away still holding each other in their arms. They stare at each other for a second before taking a step back to listen to the director. "That was great guys! I could literally feel the chemistry."

     Forest slightly looks at Damien only to see him looking at her too. They finish the video with no problems. As soon as the director calls a wrap she feels Courtney pull her to the side. 'Oh here we go again' is all Forest can think.

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