The propsal💍

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The last couple years have been the best of Forest life.

Little did she know it was about to get so much better. Damien has been planning on proposing for a couple months now he just wanted to wait for the perfect moment. He's already bought the ring, moss agate since Forest never was one for diamonds.

Recently Trevor proposed to Tosha and it made Forest think about how nice it would be to be married. "Hey dames, do you ever think about getting married?" Forest says randomly as they lay in bed together.

Panic courses through Damien since he thinks he's been caught but he tries to play it cool. "Yeah of course I have darling. Just wait, it's in the cards for us." He says with a small smile cuddling closer to her.

Forest smiles and blushes slightly. "I'll be waiting love."

A couple days later Damien walks off set but Forest doesn't think too much about it as she's immediately caught in conversation with Courtney and Tosha. Who without her knowledge was told to keep Forest occupied.

Damien was on the phone with Forest's step father. As much as Damien wanted to ask in person it was really in the cards to randomly go to Paris. But Damien did take the time to learn how to speak French.

(The call)
Pierre(Forests Father): "Bonjour Damien, Comment puis-je t'aider?"

Damien: "Bonjour monsieur. J'ai une question à poser." He says nervously.

Pierre: "Damander"

Damien: "Puis-je avoir la main de votre fille en mariage?"

Pierre: "Non."

Panic courses through Damien as he thinks he's lost one of the most important parts to his proposal. Her dad said no... what does he do now? Then he hears his voice again.

Pierre: "Il faut tout prendre, pas seulement leur main. Vous pouvez avoir leur main, mais vous devez également amener leur esprit, leur âme et leur cœur au mariage et promettre de ne jamais lâcher prise."

Damien lets out a sigh of relief "Oui Monsieur. je promets"

Pierre: "Alors oui, épouse ma fille et traite-la comme je sais que tu le feras"

Damien thanks Forest father and hangs up before walking back to set with a smile on his face. Forest gives him a curious look but he tells her it's nothing.

The next day is their anniversary and they always get the day off because Ian is the best. Forest wakes up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes which has been something she got pretty used to. She walks to the kitchen and wraps her arms around him.

"So what's the plan for today baby?" Forest asks Damien as he cooks.

"Well I know you hate surprises but I don't want to give everything away so I'm just going to say I'm taking you on a date and we are going to the field we had our first date at."

Forest has an excited smile on her face "That sounds perfect, what time should I be ready?"

"Let's say around 6 so we can watch the sunset." Damien says while plating the pancakes.

Up until five, the couple sits together watching their favorite movies with their cats. It might sound boring to some but to them it's the most important part of their relationship. Simply being able to enjoy each other's presence.

"I'm going to go ahead and get ready, I can't wait anymore." Forest says as she stands from the couch and walks towards the bedroom.

"Ok love, I'll be there soon." Damien says before turning off the TV and feeding the cats.

Forest picks out a short flowy black dress with lace sleeves. She puts on a pair of biker shorts under it for comfort. Once she's done dressing, she focuses on her makeup and hair. She decides to keep the makeup light since it's just a date. She puts on a little eyeliner and some lip gloss before moving on.

Forest then brushes her hair out, still the same blue color it has been for years. 'Maybe I'll change it soon' she thinks as she looks in the mirror. She ties it up in a half up half down with a black ribbon, the same way she did the first day she met Damien.

Once she's completely done getting dressed, she walks out to see Damien dressed as well. Unknown to her he has her dream ring safely secured in his jacket pocket.

"Are you ready to go beautiful?" Damien asks, looking at her sweetly thinking about how he can't wait to marry them.

"Absolutely" Forest says, walking up to hold his hand.

Since the field is so close to Forest house they decide to just walk there. They talk the whole time as they walk hand in hand.

Once they arrive Forest sees the picnic is already set up. She lets go of Damien's hand as she walks closer to the set up. "How did you get this set up? We were together all day?" Forest asks genuinely confused but still not turning around.

"Eloise and Shayne set it up for us." He says as he pulls the ring out and drops to a knee waiting for his future wife to turn around.

"Oh that's so sweet." Forest says before turning around to smile at her boyfriend.

Once she turns Forest quickly realizes Damien is on a knee. She gasps and puts her hands on her mouth in shock as she walks towards him.

'"Forest Danielle Amiee Emerson, I have loved you since... since I first saw you." He says as he feels like he's about to cry and he tries not to stutter out his words.

"I practiced this so much but all the words have escaped me." He pauses to laugh slightly, making Forest laugh as well. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and I'm so proud to call you mine. As your father said, I would love to take your mind, soul and heart in marriage if you'll let me." Forest starts to cry as she realizes he took the time to talk to her father.

"Forest, veux-tu faire de moi la personne la plus heureuse du monde et m'épouser?"

Forest chokes back her tears as she walks closer to him. "Oui! Yes a thousand times yes!" She says as she helps him up to hug him.

Damien picks her up and spins her around before placing the ring on her finger. Forest gasps at how beautiful the ring is, but that's not what's most important to her. What's most important is that she's engaged to the love of her life.

The newly engaged couple takes a couple pictures together to remember the moment forever before finishing their date. They sit together long into the night watching the sky.

Forest sits in astonishment at how lucky she is to have found Damien. Not only did he propose, but he asked her father fully in french according to him, he took the time to learn french, he dealt with her for four whole years and now forever.

A/N: sorry if any one the french is wrong. i'm not fluent but i tried my best!

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