Chapter 6

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   The next morning, Forest rubs the sleep out of her eyes before slowly getting off the couch. She groans at the pain in her back from sleeping on the uncomfortable couch all night. She walks to the kitchen grabbing herself a glass and filling it with ice water to wake herself up before heading to wake up Tosha.

   "Hey Tater Tot, wake up. It's time to get ready." Forest says, gently tapping Tosha's shoulder to wake her up.

   Tosha groans, turning herself away from Forest and hugging the blanket close to herself, covering her head. Forest laughs softly at the girls antics. Then Forest gets an idea.

   "Fine, if you want to do it the hard way." Forest says before jumping on the bed and laying on top of Tosha while laughing.

  "Aunt Dani! Get off of me!" Tosha says laughing and trying to get out from under the older girl. 

   "Are you going to get up now?" Forest asks still laying on top of Tosha.

   "Yes! Now get off!" Tosha admits her defeat as Forest rolls off the bed helping Tosha up with her.

   Tosha and Forest go to the bathroom to brush their teeth together, Tosha using the toothbrush Forest keeps at her house. The younger girl grabs some of the clothes she's left the past couple times she's stayed over and Forest grabs an outfit out of her closet.

   Tosha goes to the bathroom to change as Forest uses her room. She puts on a simple black crop top with distressed jeans and a flannel. She puts on her shoes as Tosha comes out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go.

     "You look great, Tater. You ready?" Forest asks

     "Yup" Tosha responds simply.

  Forest quickly grabs her jewelry, putting it on before grabbing her bag and keys as her and Tosha head out of the door. Once they both got into the car Forest gives her the aux again as she pulls out of the driveway to start her drive to the office.

   After about 20 minutes, Forest pulls into her parking spot. Tosha immediately hoppped out of the passenger side as Forest grabs her bag, heading in behind her quickly.

   As soon as Tosha walks in she goes to find her father. Forest is greeted by the familiar face of Dakota. They have a quick conversation as Forest walks to put her bag down by her desk. As Datoka leaves to talk to her boyfriend, Forest decides to look at the cast list. Once she gets there she sees Damien is there as well.

  "Hey, are you feeling any better?" Damien asks politely, his voice calm.

   "Yeah I am, thank you." Forest responds with a smile, still feeling a bit embarrassed about yesterday's events.

    They both look at the cast list seeing they are filming together all day. Filming a couple Every Blank Evers and a video called 'If Disney Princesses Were Real'. Forest smiles slightly almost instinctively. She doesn't know why this guy she just met is already causing this reaction but she's not entirely mad at it.

   "Seems like we are together all day" Damien says, breaking the silence.

   Forest nods, "Yeah, seems like it." She responds, the smile never dropping from her face.

    Throughout the day Forest and Damien are side by side. The comfortability between the two never leaving. Today, Forest has laughed harder through these sketches than she ever has before while at work. Being with Damien just feels incredibly natural. Neither of them can stop smiling when they're together.

   Once all the shoots were done Damien and Forest part ways to go find their best friends. It didn't take Forest long to see the girl with short blonde hair sitting at desk while scrolling through her phone. She looks up, seeing her friends expression.

   "Girl, why are you smiling so big?" Court says smiling at her friends happiness.

   "I don't know? I've just had a good day." Forest says, still smiling as a chuckle escaped her lips.

   "Mhm? You sure it has nothing to do with your filming partner?" Courtney asks teasing her about Damien.

   It was clear to everyone the chemistry the two co workers had. From the moment they met, it was something that everyone around them felt. There was a desire in Forest's heart wanting it to turn into something more, but it was new, and they had just met.

   "Oh shut up. I barely even know him" Forest says, defending herself.

   "Well either way, you guys couldn't stop smiling at each other" Courtney replies, still with a teasing tone lingering.

   "Yeah whatever, I'm going home" Forest responds skepticly before turning and heading the other way.

Damien's pov

   Once Damien finds Shayne, he still has a bright smile on his face. The lingering thoughts of spending the whole day with Forest was just keeping his energy up and was making him have a positive front, everyone seeing it as he walked past.

   "How'd filming go?" Shayne asks his friend.

   Damien sighs out, "It was great honestly. Forest is so funny." A happy tone lacing through every word.

   "Oh is she now?" Shayne teases.

   "Oh stop that. We just met." Damien rolls his eyes, defending himself from what his friend is implying between the two.

   "Yeah well, we'll see" Shayne responds slyly.

   "Whatever, I'm done for the day so I'll see you tomorrow." Damien says.

   He just wanted to find an out from the conversation. As much as he enjoyed talking with Shayne, he didn't like the implication of the conversation. And before Shayne can say anything else, Damien turns and walks the other way.

Forest pov

   As Forest goes to grab her bag to leave, she sees Damien grabbing his as well. She finished grabbing her things, and walks over to him. "Hey are you heading out too?"

   "Yeah" He responds simply with a nod while gathering his things from his desk.

   As they get closer to the door they hear thunder, and then the sounds of rain hitting the roof sounds loudly in the building.

   "Shit, I completely forgot it was supposed to rain today" Forest says, shaking her head at her forgetfulness.

   "Well I brought an umbrella. You can use it if you want." Damien offers politely.

   "No, I can't take your umbrella. You'll get soaked out there." Forest says denying his offer

   "I'll be fine I promise." Damien insists, holding it out towards the girl.

   She sighs, thinking of a good solution. "Fine but at least share it with me." Forest says, compromising.

   Damien nods his head as they open the door and open his umbrella. Forest huddled close to Damien so they can both fit under the umbrella. Even though it was a short walk, Forest enjoyed every second of being close to him. Once they got to Forest car Damien opens the door for her waiting for her to get in.

   "I'll see you tomorrow" Damien says with a gentle smile.

   "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" Forest smiles back.

   Forest watches as Damien walks back to her car before resting her head on her steering wheel. "What is this new guy doing to me?" She groans before starting her drive home with the thoughts of him in her mind the whole way.

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