(2) Chapter 4

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       Forest wakes up immediately groaning from her headache. She rolls out of bed walking to her bathroom connected to her room looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair is tangled and her makeup from yesterday is still on but now smudged and messy.

    Forest quickly washes her face helping both wake her up and get the makeup off her face. She brushes her hair out before brushing her teeth. When she walks out of the bathroom she realizes she can smell food cooking.

     Confusion courses through her for a second before she remembers a bit of last night and her making Damien stay the night. Forest slips on a pair of slippers before walking out of her room towards the kitchen. As she walks in she sees Damien cooking some pancakes.

     She walks a bit closer before making herself known "You didn't have to cook."

      Damien flinches a little not realizing Forest was behind him. Once he recognizes he turns towards her slightly, still paying attention to the stove. "It's ok, I figured you'd be a bit hungover so I'm making chocolate chip pancakes." He says turning back to his pancakes, flipping them over.

     Forest walks up closer to him lifting herself to sit on the counter by him. They continue to make small talk as Damien cooks. Forest has thanked him about a thousand times for taking care of her and staying the night. When he's done cooking, Damien plates the pancakes for them both.

    They eat in a comfortable silence. Forest can't help but think she could get used to this. Waking up everyday to his cooking, talking, and eating breakfast together before going to work. Forest curses herself as these thoughts go through her mind. This could never happen, not only are they coworkers, but there's no way Damien likes her. Does she like him?

    Damien breaks the silence, pulling Forest out of her thoughts. He looks at Forest across the table before speaking "Once you're finished, do you want me to take you to get your car?"

    Forest almost forgot that her car wasn't home but when she remembers she simply nods at his offer going back to eating her pancakes. Once they both finish Forest takes the plates rinsing them off before sitting them in the sink.

    Forest quickly feeds her cat before going back to her room to put real shoes on. She doesn't bother changing out of the outfit she woke up in since she's just going to get her car and come back home. She walks back out seeing Damien holding her cat. She laughs slightly before walking over.

    She gently pets Binx as he lays in Damien's arms "Honestly, it's kind of impressive he's letting you hold him. He usually hates being picked up by anyone but me."

     Damien pets the cat lovingly looking at Forest. He laughs slightly looking at the cat's comfort. "Maybe he can tell I'm a cat dad."

     Forest laughs at his comment remembering he does have two cats of his own. What she really wants to say is 'maybe he can tell how much I like you' but she bites her tongue and instead says "Oh yeah, it's Freya and Zelda right?"

     Damien nods slightly before setting Binx down letting him run off "yeah they are sweethearts"

    Forest looks up at him, she quickly steps back when she realizes how close they were. "You'll have to bring them over sometime, I'm sure Binx would love them."

    Damien nods before checking the time, telling Forest they should probably get going. They walk out of the house together, Forest locking the door behind her. Damien opens the passenger side door for her letting her get in before closing the door. He walks around to the drivers side getting in for himself.

    Forest plays music the whole drive singing along. She doesn't notice Damien's affectionate glances towards her, nor does Damien notice hers. They arrive at Ian's house far quicker than Forest would've wished for, wanting to spend as long as she can with Damien.

    Forest looks at Damien as he pulls into Ian's driveway. She thanks him again for everything he did last night and this morning. He says it was his pleasure and he would do it anytime. Forest smiles at him one last time before heading to her car.

     Forest gets in starting her car, she looks in her rear view seeing Damien pull away after she's safely in her car. Forest rests her head on her steering wheel thinking about everything that happened last night, at least what she could remember.

    Eventually she decides sitting in Ian's driveway would look really weird if he looks out the window so she starts her drive home thinking about Damien the whole drive.

Damien's pov
   Damien watches Forest get out of his car and makes sure she gets in hers. He immediately pulls away partly to stop himself from running after her. He honestly doesn't know what is happening. For some reason being around Forest just feels right.

    The whole drive home he can't stop thinking about the feeling of her hand in his. The feeling of waking up in her house and cooking for her. The way that even if it's silent between them it never feels awkward. She never tells him to stop talking or that he's being annoying.

    Before he knows it Damien is pulling into his driveway. He rests his head on the steering wheel cursing himself for these confusing feelings before taking a deep breath and going inside.

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