Chapter 9

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bit of a long chapter sorryyy

   Forest hears a variety of chuckles and people shushing as she wakes up. She quickly realized her head was laying on Damien's shoulder and people were taking pictures. She shoots her head up almost immediately, making herself dizzy. She turned and murmured a quick apology to him.

   Forest doesn't see it but the look on Damien's face isn't one of embarrassment or disgust, but a look of disappointment, the feeling of Forest sleeping on him being just as comfortable for him as it was for her.

   Forest quickly realizes they have finally arrived at their destination. As everyone files out of the bus Forest can't shake her embarrassment still not being able to look Damien in the eyes.

   Forest quickly grabs her bags off the bus before walking over to Eloise. "Hey, would you want to room together?" She asks hopefully.

   "Yeah of course!" Eloise says excitedly, happy that someone wants to room with her even though basically no one knows her.

   Forest smiles brightly at the girl before walking together to their room for the next month. They lay their bags down before going back to meet the rest of the cast so they could film a bit of a vlog.

   The duo knew that they had a lot to film today so after that vlog they quickly went back to change into cooler clothes. They both changed into jean shorts and crop tops before heading back out to film. Eloise, Forest, and Court were scheduled to film a 'Show With No Name' episode to introduce Eloise.

   Throughout the video Eloise makes the other two girls laugh so hard. Forest realizes how fun Eloise is and how fun this trip will be with her. After the video is done filming, Forest expresses to Eloise how funny she is.

   "Girl you could have told me you were so funny." Forest laughs as she compliments the girl.

   Eloise laughs with her "Thank you! I definitely got it from my brother." Eloise says messing with her shirt kind of blowing off the compliment.

    The two girls walk back to their room together, making conversation the whole time, not a second of silence happening between them. They had a bit of time before the team choosing video, so they sat together in their room just learning more about each other.

   Once it was almost time for the video, they put on the Smosh Summer Games shirt and head out to where they were told to go. This year the picking was all due to luck. One team was the Randy-Bandits and one was the CowBaes. Throughout the video many duos were split up: Shayne, Aaliyah and Damien, Noah and Keith, Olivia and Courtney, and the new found duo of Eloise and Forest.

   The teams ended up being the randy-bandits with Forest being picked first, Noah, Olivia, Damien, Mari, Ian, Aaliyah, and Flitz. Leaving Joven, Courtney, Shayne, Keith, Wes, Eloise, Sohinki, and Bose for the CowBaes.

    After the sorting, they immediately go into the first challenge of inflatable bull riding. Flitz goes first but he ends up breaking the bull. It took a while to get it working again, but it finally did and they got back to taking turns.

   Forest goes 5th for her team and ends up getting a longer time than anyone else by far. The only person that gave her a run for her money was Courtney.

   For some reason when Damien went, Forest couldn't stop staring at him. She felt so stupid. Why was she feeling like this again? Maybe she's sick? She thought that could be the only cause.

    Mostly because of Forest, the Randy-Bandits end up winning the first challenge. After that video they were done for the day so Eloise and Forest head back to their room together. They take turns taking showers, Eloise practically pushing Forest out of the bathroom so she could shower.

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