(2) Chapter 10

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     As Forest stares at Damien he talks to her about his own panic attacks and tics bringing her comfort and security. They decide to walk out together when Forest is ready. Forest thanks him quickly before walking away.

     She quickly finds Courtney and tells her everything that just happened. Throughout the whole story Courtney has a smug smile on her face. Forest was so into her story she didn't even realize Harper was listening too.

     Once Forest is done with her story she is practically out of breath. She sees the smug smile on Court and Harpers face. She looks at them confused. "What are you guys smiling about?"

     Court and Harper look at each other leaning in closer together. Harper nods as if confirming Court's suspicion. "You like him. And before you try to blow it off in any way, no not just as a friend."

     Forest's immediate reaction is wanting to blow off what Court says like she always did but then she remembered the look in Damien's eyes. She remembers how caring and compassionate he was with her.

     Seeing the realization on Forest's face makes the couple laugh. She walks off without saying another word. She walks quickly out to her car since she was done for the day anyway. She quickly hits the call button on Els' contact.

    As soon as El picks up Forest doesn't waste a second "What did you mean when you said I was oblivious forever ago?" she rushes out.

    Eloise is taken aback for a second at Forest's outburst but she decides to be truthful. "I mean come on Forest, it's been obvious since the beginning that you and Damien are in love."

     Forest is surprised for a second she wants to be mad but she knows she can't blame her friend. "Why couldn't you have told me sooner?" She says in a disappointed voice however, she's mostly disappointed in herself.

     Eloise rolls her eyes slightly "Come on girl, you know I've tried since I met you. It's not my fault you're oblivious." She says with a smile and a laugh.

    Forest simply nods before telling Eloise a quick goodbye and hanging up. Everything in Forest wants to run back into the office but she stops herself knowing Damien may not even be in there.

    Instead Forest just heads home. The night and next morning feel like they last a thousand years just wanting to talk to Damien again now that she knows her feelings.

Damien's Pov
    After the two split ways Damien went to his best friend Shayne. He quickly tells him what happened trying to leave out some personal details to protect Forest. Shayne keeps a smug smile on his face the whole time Damien speaks.

     Damien knows why Shayne is so happy but he lets him talk anyway. "Bro, you are so in love with her.... just face it." Shayne says in a more real voice than Damien expected.

    For some reason when Shayne drops the teasing voice the thought actually sits in Damien's mind. He thinks for a couple moments before realizing his friend has been right all along.
     Shayne sees the realization cross Damien's face and he places his hand on Damien's shoulder. "To be fair man, I've been trying to tell you but you wouldn't believe me."

     Damien nods for a second before walking away. He walks out to his car sitting in silence for a second. His mind tells him there's no way Forest likes him back. He decides to call his sister hoping she would know if Forest likes him.

     El quickly picks up "Wow a call from two of my favorite people in a row." she says with a smile on her face and evident in her voice.

     If Damien's mind wasn't so full he might have picked up on that but instead he rushes out his sentence. "I think I like Forest"

     Eloise sits in silence for a second before breaking down in laughter. "Is that new information for you?"

    Damien has confusion laced through his voice as he asks what she means. Eloise explains that everyone but the two of them knew they liked each other. Although Damien's mind was clouded he picked up on that. "Wait. Did you just say like each other? Does that mean Forest likes me back?"

     Eloise freezes for a second revealing she exposed her best friend she mutters a quick "Yes" before hanging up on her brother.

    Damien rests his head on the steering wheel before driving home, his only thought being how in the hell he's going to tell Forest.

Forest pov
     It was finally the next day at work and Forest was determined to express herself no matter the consequences. She showed up to the office hours before she was supposed to in order to give herself time.

    As soon as she found Damien he started rambling. Even he doesn't know why other than to be talking and not deal with his feelings. After talking for a while Damien starts to apologize realizing he hasn't even let Forest get a word in.

    The only thing she could think of was that she could listen to him talk forever as long as he was talking to her. She loved the sound of his voice no matter what he was saying. "I'm in love with you."

     Shock falls on both of their faces as even Forest didn't think she was going to say that. She starts to apologize for the sudden outburst but Damien stops her quickly. He grabs her hand causing her to look at him  "I've always thought you were the most beautiful girl i've ever seen" Damien confesses.

    Forest doesn't know how to respond at first. She didn't think that he could possibly like her beck but here she is. She is standing in front of him as they confess their feelings for eachother.

    As they stand together looking into each other's eyes they can't help but slowly lean in. Forest leans slightly on her tiptoes to reach him. Her hands resting on his chest and his having one of her waist and one holding her cheek. Once their lips meet the chemistry between them sparks and neither of them ever want to part.

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