(2) Chapter 5

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Mythical has owned Smosh for a little over a month now and it is the most fun Forest has ever had. They are so much more lenient and they let Smosh just be instead of forcing them into 20 different shows. Forest was even able to start helping with directing which she's always wanted to do.

Forest now wakes up excited for work everyday. She is so much happier when she wakes up because she gets to do what she loves with way less restriction now. She rolls out of bed taking a quick shower before getting dressed. She throws on a black and white checkered skirt, a black Matalica shirt, and a black jacket. They brush their hair out deciding to leave it down today.

Forest throws on their vans before walking out of their room to feed their cat. She quickly feeds her cat, scratching his head as he runs up to the bowl. She says a quick goodbye to her cat before grabbing her things and heading out of the door.

The drive to the Mythical office is actually a little closer than defy was so Forest only had a fifteen minute drive. She sings along to musical turns the whole time, specifically Heathers. Once she pulls into the office she parks in her new usual spot.

She grabs her bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she heads inside. She walks to her desk next to Courtney's. Courtney is writing a sketch on her computer, which Forest doesn't want to interrupt so she simply waves. Courtney quickly waved back before focusing back on her computer.

Forest sits down at her desk logging into her computer to check her email quickly. She answers a couple emails before moving on. She checks the agenda for today seeing that she gets to direct today. A smile quickly appears on her face. She loves directing, yes it's stressful but it's so much fun.

She sees that she's directing a try not to laugh and a board af video today which will certainly be fun. She still has a while before the first video so she decides to head to the kitchen to grab a coffee. She knows Court has probably been working on this script for a while so Forest asks her if she'd like a coffee too.

Courtney looks up from her screen for a second nodding her head and telling Forest she would appreciate that. Forest headed off to the kitchen already knowing how Court takes her coffee since it's been the same for years. Once she gets to the kitchen she quickly makes the two cups of coffee adding creamer and sugar to both.

Forest brings the coffees back, handing one to Court. Courtney quickly takes a drink thanking Forest as she continues to write. Forest answers a couple more emails before deciding she needs to get to set. She finishes off her coffee, throwing the cup away on her way.

The try not to laugh video was first which was one of the most fun types of videos to film. They actually had Rhett and Link as guests today and they were always super fun to be around. The whole cast was Ian, Shayne, Rhett, Link, Noah, and Keith.

As Forest walks in she quickly sees everyone already there except for Keith and Noah who are almost always late. She walks over to the crew making sure Greg had the sound almost set up. When he said he was good she walked over to the camera crew making sure they were almost ready. Lastly she walks over to the director of production making sure everything was going smoothly.

Once she checks in with all the crew she walks over to the cast, this has become Forest's routine everytime she directs to make sure everyone is on the same page. She runs over everything with the cast and tells Ian to do the intro. Noah and Keith arrived while Forest was talking to the crew so once the rundown with the cast was over the video was ready to be started.

Forest walks back behind the camera making sure her timer is ready before giving Ian the go ahead. The hardest part about directing Try not to Laugh is trying not to be too loud behind the camera. Forest has to stifle her laughter through most of the bits.

The video goes by smoothly and once the outro is done Forest calls cut. She walks over to the cast congratulating them on the video. After talking to them for a second she talks to the crew quickly making sure everything went smoothly on their parts. Once it was confirmed everything went well Forest walks out to do her after video routine.

The same routine that caused her to have her first real conversation with Damien. She grabs a snack before finding a quiet room. She sits in silence for about an hour before heading to direct her next video. Board af videos were harder to direct but they were interesting to watch.

Forest walks in seeing her cast for this video. The cast includes Joven, Mari, Wes, Courtney, and Damien. Forest does her routine of checking with the crew making sure everyone is ready before walking over to the cast. She runs down the video with the cast.

They were playing a game called Spyfall which Forest explains to them how it works. She answers any questions they have before going back behind the camera. Forest starts directing the video making sure they get a good take for the intro.

Damien's pov
Damien walks onto set just talking to his friends about anything when he sees Forest walk in. Even though he knew she was supposed to direct today for some reason he didn't think she was directing this video.

He continues talking with his friends to distract himself as Forest talks to the crew. He sneaks a few glances her way but not enough for anyone to notice. Forest walks over to check on the cast and Damien is glad he already knows what to do because he couldn't focus on a single thing she said.

Damien sits in his spot at the end of the table as the video gets ready to start. He listens to Joven give the intro before they start the game. Throughout the game Damien can't help but look over at Forest. She wasn't even doing much but she looked so beautiful when she was concentrating.

Damien sits at the edge of the table admiring from afar hoping no one will notice when he hears Courtney's voice pull him out of his thoughts.

Courtney nudges him with her elbow before whispering to him "Yo it's your turn dude."

Damien quickly looks back to the group taking his turn. They finish the video but this is the most unfocused on a game Damien has been in forever. As soon as the video finishes he and Forest finishes talking to them Damien walks out of the room to find his best friend.

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