(2) Chapter 8

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Courtney pulls Forest off set and starts talking in a hushed voice "What was that?!"

Of course Forest knows she's referring to the kiss but she's going to play dumb for as long as possible. Forest keeps a straight face as she answers "What do you mean? What was what?"

Court rolls her eyes. She thinks she has every right to be excited since she has been with Forest since middle school and the only guy she's ever liked was her ex. "You know what I mean. That kiss!"

Forest scoffs the whole acting dumb bit didn't last long this time. "It was nothing, we did what the director wrote." She says simply trying to get Court off her back.

"The director didn't write that amount of chemistry Dani." Court says in a serious tone hoping to pull her friend to reality.

Forest thinks for a second before rolling her eyes "Yeah whatever, there wasn't any chemistry." A pit in her stomach forms almost as if her body knows she's lying.

Courtney scoffs and throws her hands up walking away as if she's given up on her friend. Forest laughs at her friend and walks to the kitchen to find herself a snack.

Damien's pov
As the video wraps Damien walks up to his best friend who was just sitting on his phone. As soon as Damien walks up Shayne puts his phone in his pocket smiling at his friend.

Damien looks at him with a confused smile "Why are you looking at me like that?" He laughs slightly, a mixture of embarrassment and confusion.

Shayne continues to smile at his friend "How was that kiss with Forest huh?" Shayne says teasing his best friend.

"Oh come on, it was literally in the script it's not like we just kissed." Damien says, rolling his eyes trying to get his best friend off his back.

Shayne shakes his head "Yeah, sure that's all it was. There was absolutely no chemistry radiating off of you two." Shayne says in a sarcastic tone playfully nudging his friend.

Damien playfully pushes his friend off of him. He scoffs at his friends' antics "Yeah, yeah whatever. You can die on that hill."

Damien walks away leaving his friend. Little does he or Forest know Shayne and Court immediately go to each other to talk about the conversations
they just had.

Forests pov
Forest gets into the kitchen area and grabs a bag of goldfish before lifting herself up to sit on the island area. She scrolls through her phone silently eating her goldfish as she sees Damien walk in.

Damien pauses for a second before continuing into the kitchen area. He grabs a snack before walking over to the counter area opposite of Forest and leans his back on it.

They both sit in silence for a while peacefully eating their snacks. As always it's a comfortable silence between the two. The silence is only broken when Harper walks in seeing the two.

The three just sit and talk until Forest realizes she has to get some editing done. Harper and Damien say a quick goodbye to Forest. She walks over to her desk putting on her headphones and starts editing.

After a couple hours Forest is finally ready to go home. She turns off her computer and sets her headphones down. She takes a deep breath grabbing her bag before standing up. She feels her knees crack as she stands up.

She walks out to her car quickly driving home just wanting to be in the comfort of her house. As soon as she arrives she slings her bag down at the door and hangs her keys up. She pets her cat before filling his bowl again.

Forest quickly gets bored just sitting on her phone and decides to call one of her best friends. She finds Els' contact and hits facetime. Eloise quickly picks up saying an excited hello to Forest.

The two girls sit and talk about their days for a couple hours until Eloise and Forest both decide it's time to get to bed. Eloise says a quick goodbye and I love you.

When Eloise hangs up suddenly Forest remembers their last conversation and what she said before hanging up. She said that Forest was oblivious. Now that she thinks about it more, was she talking about Damien?

Forest sits on her couch for a second wondering if Damien had talked to his sister about her and that's why Eloise said that. Or maybe El could just see something Forest couldn't.

Forest can help but spend way too much time thinking about their conversation. She thinks about their kiss. Although scripted it felt so real. There was so much chemistry she felt like she could literally feel sparks.

She feels crazy. There's no way he likes her back. The kiss was purely scripted. But what about the way he looked at her? That's not scripted, but it could be acting. Was Damien that good of an actor?

Forest drifts off to sleep thinking about every conversation she's ever had with Damien. She analyzes every action he's ever done for her... there was a lot to think about.

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