(2) Chapter 1

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    Forest wakes up feeling something comfortable under her head. As she starts to fall back asleep she feels whatever is under her start to move. She slowly raises her head rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She quickly realizes the thing under her was Damien's chest and the moving was him breathing.

    Forest frantically gets up from the couch, feeding her cat and grabbing herself a glass of water to wake her up from this situation. As she takes long sips of her drink just enjoying the morning silence, she hears the footsteps of someone walking towards her.

    She sees Damien, her heart quickly fluttering at just his presence. It wouldn't bother Forest so much if she didn't realize that the sleep she just got was the best night of sleep in a long time. And she was on the usually uncomfortable couch.

    Forest pauses for a moment, looking at Damien before realizing she should probably say something, "Do you want a glass of water or anything?" She asks to break the silence.

    Damien shakes his head no, denying the offer. "No I'm good, I was just wondering where you went." he said in an embarrassed tone almost as if he didn't want to admit that but it slipped out.

    Forest is a bit shocked at his confession. After a moment of contemplating, a response before stuttering one out. "Oh I just had to feed Binxington. He gets mad if I don't feed him as soon as I wake up." She says with a nervous laugh.

     There's a bit of silence between the two. It's not an awkward silence, just a sort of 'no one knows what to say' type of silence. Forest clears her throat slightly before speaking again. "I had a lot of fun last night, thanks for coming over."

    Damien smiles at her knowing he enjoyed it just as much as Forest did. He pauses for a second before responding. "Yeah I had a lot of fun too. I don't think either of us needed to be alone yesterday." He says admitting he didn't want to be alone after just getting fired.

    After another beat of silence Eloise walks into the kitchen as well. Immediately as she walks in she senses the tension between the two. She looks between the two for a second before speaking. "Hey Dames, I was just wondering if you were almost ready to go." She says feeling like she interrupted something.

    Damien looks at his sister nodding slightly before looking back at Forest. The three quickly say goodbye, Forest hugging Eloise quickly then hugging Damien. Their hug lingers a bit too long, neither of them wanting to let go, and neither caring.

    Forest stands at the door watching the siblings walk toward their car. Eloise waves through the window at Forest and Damien smiles at her once more before disappearing from view, driving off.

    Forest closes the door, putting her back to it and sliding down onto the floor. Her cat immediately runs over trying to make sure she's ok. Forest pets him softly before talking to him as if he could understand. "Your life is so easy, Binxy boy. You don't have to deal with annoying human feelings." Forest pauses to laugh "Unless you're dealing with mine."

    Forest nuzzles into her cat hugging him tightly. Most cats would run if someone tried to hug them, but not Binx. Binx knew when Forest needed him and she let her hug him whenever she needed it.

    These next couple months were confusing for everyone. The whole cast was trying to find different ways to stay afloat just in case. Smosh kept alive but no one knew how long it could survive on our own. Damien started voice acting and Forest started writing music.

    She has always loved writing music but she never had the balls to release these songs. The fall of defy causes Forest to face her fear and put together new and old songs to make an album.

    She never expected it to go big but she did know a way to get it on apple music. She made a cover for her new album and decided to call it 'Mess'. As soon as she posted it, she called Eloise to tell her the news. Eloise loudly screams in excitement, immediately going to listen to it.

   While Eloise listens she's expressing loudly about how good it is. Forest decides to post it on all her social media. She made an instagram story, a twitter announcement, and she decided she would make a youtube video later.

    Once Eloise hangs up, Forest checks and sees how many people have played her album. So many people have reposted it and shared it. She felt like she was going to cry with joy. Maybe she would be ok after all.

    Forest quickly films one of her songs called Logical but makes it an acoustic version. At the end of the video she thanks everyone that has already listened to her album. She quickly edits and posts the video happy that so many people love her music as much as she does.

   That night Forest gets a good night's sleep thinking for once in the last couple months that she'll end up alright. No matter what happens with anything else, at least she'll always have her music and friends that love her.

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