Chapter 5

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    Forest walks into the main lobby area, looking for the girl with long brown hair. However, she saw her fathers bright orange hair first. She walks over to the two and hears Tosha begging her dad.

   "Come on dad! You know I already have all of my school work done." Tosha pleads, anxiously playing with the hem of her shirt.

   "Oh come on Laser! You know I don't let her get into that trouble" Forest winks at Tosha before turning back to Lasercorn to continue the conversation.

   He shakes his head in disbelief, letting out a breath. "Oh fine, since you too want to gang up on me" Laser gives in, smiling at his daughter.

   "YES! Let's go Aunt Dani!" Tosha says excitedly practically jumping off the floor in glee.

   "Let's go, Tater Tot." Forest smiles at her niece before looking back at Laser who smiles back at her.

   Tosha is basically running to the door while Forest is trying to collect her stuff.

   "Tosh, slow down! Let me get my stuff kid." Forest laughs at her eagerness. No matter how many times Tosha comes over she's always extremely excited.

   Once Forest collects her things, she walks out of the door, Tosha only slightly ahead of her. The younger girl jumps in the passenger side of the car as Forest gets in the driver side. Forest lets Tosha connect to the aux so she can play whatever she wants.

   "Hey, you hungry?" Forest asks as they start to drive out of the parking lot and onto the busy street.

   "Always! Can we get In-n-Out?" Tosha responds, the smile never fading from her face.

   "Hell yeah! Let's go."

   Shortly after, Forest pulls into In-n-Out and orders for the both of them. Once they got their food, Tosha immediately dug in as forest drove the rest of the way home.

   Once she pulls into the driveway, Tosha immediately hops out and grabbing the trash. Forest laughs at her as she grabs her bag and keys, meeting Tosha at the door, unlocking it for her.

   Tosha immediately finds Binx, petting him lovingly as Forest sets down her bag by the door and hangs up her keys on the hook. Forest turns on the TV and eats her food while Tosha watches along petting the cat.

   Forest gets up off the couch, grabbing the leftover trash and walking towards the kitchen to throw it away. Once she did, she stood to the side, asking Tosha what she wanted to do for the night.

   "Can we film something for your channel?" She asks hopefully, a sparkle in her eyes.

   There was no hesitation from Forest. "Yeah of course, what do you want to film?"

  Tosha contemplated for a moment, before the thoughts immediately rushed through. "Oo can we do a cover?"

   "Yeah of course! Tater, pick a song."

   "We can do that one that came out recently, 7 years?" Tosha asks, sitting up on the couch to face Forest.

   "Good choice" The older one nods.

   Forest sets up the camera and grabs her computer to pull up the lyrics for them. Once she finds the lyrics she learns the chords on her guitar as Tosha goes over the lyrics.

   "Ok, so I was thinking you can sing the parts for the younger ages and i'll do the older ones and then we can both sing the longer parts of the song" Forest explains, still strumming at the guitar.

   "Ok sounds good!" Tosha replies with a bright smile.

   Forest makes sure the camera is at a good angle before making sure Tosha is ready and pushing the record button. As Forest starts playing, Tosha starts to sing. Once Forest comes in their voices blend together beautifully. Once they finish the song Forest stops the recording saying she'll edit it later.

   "That was great tater, but it's getting pretty late. We should probably go to bed." Forest says, setting her guitar down next to her.

   Tosha groans not wanting to go to bed yet, but she goes anyway. Everytime Tosha sleeps over, Forest let's her sleep in her bed and Forest takes the couch.

   "Night Aunt Dani, Love you!" Tosha says as she heads to Forests room.

   "Goodnight Tater Tot, I love you too" Forest yells back.

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