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   Forest and Damien have been dating for just under four years now. They have moved in together into Forest house since hers was bigger. And just as Forest suspected, their cats got along great and loved each other just as much as their owners did.

    They have developed a new morning routine together just as Forest had imagined in the past. Waking up with Damien by her side is like a dream come true. Damien usually wakes up before Forest and starts on breakfast. When Forest finally wakes up she'll join him in the kitchen after feeding their three cats.

     They sit together in the kitchen having light conversations as Damien cooks. Working at the same place makes it even easier. Forest almost never drives anymore unless they know they'll be getting off at different times.

   Life just felt more at ease and lighter than it ever did before. Forest never really knew what it felt like to be truly loved. Being with Damien is showing her that it wasn't her that was hard to love but she picked the wrong person to love her before.

     Forest truly feels like a princess when she's with him. He opens her doors, runs her baths after a long day, and cooks if she doesn't feel like it. In Forest's previous relationship she was told she was nothing special and she could do that stuff herself.

     Forest has never had someone be so utterly proud to simply exist with her. He lets everyone know that they are dating and he is so proud to call her his. Being with him just felt so natural. There were no secrets or faking between them. They could be their true self with no fear.

    Damien could alway tell when Forest wasn't feeling well or when her anxiety or tics were acting up. He knew exactly what to do to help her. To be fair simply being in his presence would calm Forest down most of the time.

    Forest has released a couple more albums, one of which was dedicated to Damien. There is simply so much love that flows between the two. Their friends may have known it way before they did but now there is no doubt in either of their minds that they love each other.

    Everything was going right for Forest. She found the love of her life, she has amazing friends, her music career took off, and her niece even came back to smosh and they are closer than ever.

     One night when the couple got home from work, they both put their bags at the door. Even though it was one of Damien's stream nights, he always put Forest first. When Forest comes out of the bedroom from taking her shoes off she sees Damien in the living room with a smile on his face.

    Forest walks up to him with a smile on her face "What are you up to now?" She says laughing slightly.

    Damien holds out his hand giving her a slight bow "May I have this dance princess?"

    Forest tilts her head with a smile and takes his hand. Damien presses play on a small speaker pulling Forest in close to himself. They sway together to one of Forests songs 'Talk to me'

    Forest looks up at him as they sway the brightest smile on her face. She simply can't get over how lucky she got. "Ya know love, I wrote this song based on what I was thinking when I confessed my love to you."

     Damien smiles down at her placing a small kiss on her forehead "I know pretty girl"

     Forest rests their head on Damien's chest as they continue to sway to the song. As the first song concludes, another of Forest comes on. The song is called 'my love is mine all mine.' and Forest can't think of anything else but how lucky she is that's true.

    She feels incredibly lucky to have found Damien. Even if it took them forever to figure out their feelings they stayed by each other. Once the second song concludes Damien whispers an I love you to Forest and she says one back happily knowing she has the life of her dreams with the love of her life.

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