Chapter Five, New nickname unlocked.

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   Pressing the FaceTime button, the phone rings for a total of six seconds before Kimi answers

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Pressing the FaceTime button, the phone rings for a total of six seconds before Kimi answers. Melina is sitting on her patio with a hoodie and a thin blanket, her phone being held up by her thighs, "hello!" She waves at the screen.

Kimi sets his phone up on the counter, clearly in his kitchen. "Hey. Hold on, i'm grabbing a drink." He whispers into the phone, turning around to rummage through the fridge. Once he successfully finds cold water, the condensation on it making Melina suddenly crave an ice cold glass of water.

"I'd kill for that water." She groans, "whatever, i'll just have to die."

Kimi laughs quietly, "mate, don't be lazy and go get yourself water then."

The girl scowls at the screen, "I just got cozy outside. Whatever! Anyways, why can't you sleep?"

"Insomnia or something like that, not sure. Why are you always awake right now?" He asks as he climbs the stairs toward his bedroom.

"Internal clock is fucked! Plus, Nadia has a cold or something of the sorts so she's breathing loudly and my AirPods are dead." Melina glares at nothing before shrugging, "we should go to the beach tomorrow. I've been dying to go. I need a tan desperately."

Kimi nods as he sits down on his bed, setting his phone down beside him to open his water bottle, leaving only his shoulder and half of his face on the screen. "I'd go." He answers shortly. Melina's eyebrows furrow and he laughs, "yes, Melly, i'd love go." Melly. Clearly the nickname caught Melina off guard because Kimi cleared his throat, "what?"

"Oh. Nothing, just never heard you or anyone, actually, call me that before." Melina subconsciously picks at her blanket, suppressing a smile that threatened to show on her lips. Despite her earlier statement about never liking Kimi, her stomach had began to ache. Nadia's insistence had to be playing tricks on the girl.

"Oh." He repeats, "I guess it just slipped out. What time do you want to go to the beach? I have a zoom meeting at nine, so we'll have to go after." Kimi quickly changes the topic, growing flustered. He picks up his phone, setting it up against his bed frame as he scoots back and lies down facing it.

Melina recovers from the previous conversation, although it lingers in her mind. "I was thinking we leave at eleven and get there by noon? So that way we have the whole day? I can text the group chat later."

Nodding, Kimi sighs, "make sure to pack sunscreen for Ollie and Jak, they never remember and end up getting sun blisters."

"They are literally fluorescent white." Melina giggles, "i'll find some. We should see if we can take your dad's boat!"

"That would be a disaster, but i'm sure he'll say yeah." The boy grins.

Melina laughs, it wasn't even that funny, but she laughed. And loudly too. A crease forms in the girls forehead as she inwardly cringes. What was wrong with her? Luckily though, she doesn't get to dwell on it and Kimi doesn't seem to notice because he talks again.

"Oh! By the way, I saw a Callum Turner magazine at the grocery store yesterday." Kimi brings up Melina's celebrity crush, making the girl's eyes widen.

"Shut the fuck up." She gasps, "and you didn't get me it?" A smirk grows on the boys lip as he reaches for something, the magazine with a black and white photo of Callum turner wearing glasses appears on the screen. The girls hands clasp over her mouth as a muffled squeal escapes it, making Kimi slightly flinch at the surprising sound, "oh my God, I love you."

The boy's Adams apple bobs in his throat, his face reddening slightly, but he chooses to ignore her words, "i'll bring it to you tomorrow." He chuckles, setting it back on the bed beside him.

"I'm going to run laps around that bitch." Melina hides her giggle with her hand, "thank you. You're too kind."

Kimi shrugs, "I try."

   A moment of silence passes between the two and Melina awkwardly shuffles in her seat, "hey Kimi?"

   "Yes, Melina."

   "Are you graduating with the class next year?" Her voice comes out as sheepish, making her inwardly punch herself.

   There is a long second between her question and his answer. "I don't know, Lina. It depends on the seasons timeline." A slight frown tugs at his lips, noticing disappointment flash across her face before she covers it with a pursed smile and a nonchalant shrug.

   "Oh. Okay." Melina nods, "well, that sucks."

   Kimi frowns, "i'm sorry, but it's just something I have to give up if I want to be in F2." Genuine sorrow is clear in his expression, but it doesn't stop the hurt Melina was feeling.

   Taking her eyes off the screen for a moment, the girls eyes widen as she looks at the sky, "oh fuck. We have to go to bed." She flips the camera to show the sunrise.

   "Oh." Kimi blinks, "yeah, we should. Goodnight, Melina." A frown still evident on his lips, Kimi tries to ignore the fact that she was obviously desperate to end their call.

   "Yeah. Goodnight Kimi." Melina hangs up.

   Quietly walking back inside, she freezes. Her mother is walking out of her room, an annoyed sigh leaving her lips, "Melina. Why are you awake?"

   "Kimi called me, and I lost track of time. Are you going to work?" Melina asks in attempt to change the subject.

   "Obviously." Carmen glances down at her hospital ID around her neck, "why would Kimi call you so early?"

   "Well, I woke up at two again. And he happened to have texted me and was bored and so basically I came downstairs so I wouldn't wake anyone up! So then, we were on call and I lost track of time and then—" Melina rambles on, her mother quickly loosing patience.

   "Okay! Okay, I don't care. Go to bed, see you later. Money for lunch is on the counter if you decide to go out." The older woman waves her daughter off and goes to put on her shoes.

   "Have a good day at work, love you!" She whisper yells to her mom, making her way back to her room, taking off her hoodie, and flopping down on the bed beside Nadia. Melina tugs off her hoodie and pulls the comforter over her shoulders. Soon enough, the girl finds herself fast asleep.

HELLO! (1.1k words)

slight angst but not terrible or anything! i love them sm and kimi knows her so well (i was projecting abt being fluorescent white and burning also callum turner too please shut up ayala.)

moving on.. i hate when people copy!! I HATE IT!! vera ykwim. if ur copying someone and not even doing it right it's just embarrassing 🙂!! whatever

hello veewee and ellen 💞

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