Chapter Twenty, Nadia meets the parents.

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   The bright sun filtered through the cracks of the thin curtains that blurred the cityscapes behind them

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The bright sun filtered through the cracks of the thin curtains that blurred the cityscapes behind them. The hotel room Melina shared with her best friend brought a sense of comfort to the girl, one that reminded her of her own home back in Bologna. Its paintings were filled with vicarious landscapes and different architecture the girl had seen throughout her walk in the city the night prior.

Melina shuffled out of her bed, lazily making her way toward the bathroom near the front door, she rubs her face roughly in attempt to wake herself up. Stopping by her suitcase, she grabs clean clothes before entering the bathroom.

Turning the nozzle to hot, Melina waits patiently for the water to heat up. In the meantime, she brushes her teeth and brushes out her knots. Once she was freshened up, she undresses and steps under the heat the water now provided.

Deep within her own thoughts, which had found their way to a young Italian boy whom she couldn't seem to stop thinking of, she grows antsy.

She knew know, and could admit it, that she felt deeply for him. The not-so-new found feelings had the girl contemplating everything she once knew about the boy.

Ever since the beginning she'd adored the boy. He'd been nothing but kind to her as children and even more so the older they'd gotten. She wasn't quite sure when the feelings had edged past platonic, but it had happened and she'd found herself in a predicament so much worse than she could've imagined possible.

Melina lathers her long dark hair with shampoo, massaging it into her scalp lightly as to not give herself a headache too early in the morning. With a sigh, she washes it out before finishing her shower routine.

A knock on her door causes the girl to jump. "Hello?" She says tentatively.

"You almost done in there?" Nadia asks through a tired voice.

Melina relaxes at the sound of her friend's voice. "Yeah, give me like ten more minutes?"

After another moment of silence, Melina takes that as her friends way of saying "okay" and hurries to finish washing the soap from her hair and body before stepping out to dry off with the fluffy towel the hotel provided.

With her towel wrapped around her, Melina exits the bathroom with her clothes in hand, deciding to just dress in the room so Nadia could shower immediately. "It's ready!" She calls out to Nadia, who rushes past her.

Finally dressing in a black skirt that ended an inch above her mid-thigh and a strapless baby pink shirt that held a bow at the top, Melina sits on the floor to do her makeup while her hair dries.

The shower turns off in the bathroom and soon after Melina hears shuffling so she realizes Nadia must be dressing inside.

A loud knock nearly has Melina's cheek painted with a street of brown from her lip liner, causes the girl to narrow her eyes. "Whoever is behind that door is going to be killed." She snaps, setting her lip liner down as she stands to unlock it.

Decode , Kimi AntonelliWhere stories live. Discover now