Chapter Eighteen, London bound.

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    The plane ride was excruciating

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    The plane ride was excruciating. Stuffed in between Nadia and Kimi with Jak and Ollie on the other isle with a random old lady was the worst experience of the girls life. Her legs forced together as she refused to let them touch Kimi and Nadia flipped every time the girl entered her personal space.

   With her headphones cancelling out the loud plane engines, the girl listened to her liked songs. Nadia hadn't gotten around to bring up the situation last night since Kimi was right beside them.

   Melina had hardly slept the night prior, so on the two hour long slight, she found herself dozing off unintentionally. To make matters worse, her head lolled to the side, resting on Kimi's shoulder.

   Her headphones dug into the boy's shoulder, but he said nothing, too focused on the fact that she'd fallen asleep on him even after the half assed argument they had less than ten hours ago, if that's even what it could be called.

   The plane hit a patch of turbulence, nearly waking the girl from her slumber. It'd caused Kimi a great deal of pain considering the hard headphones bounced on his shoulder bones, but again, he suffered through it, not wanting to wake the girl.

   With only fifteen minutes left of the flight, Kimi gently taps the girls knee in a weak attempt to wake her up, which doesn't work. Kimi heaves a sigh as he shrugs his shoulders, "Melina."

   Melina's eyes shoot open before they begin to close again. Consciousness only coming to her when she realizes she'd fallen asleep on the curly haired boy's shoulder. "Sorry." She mumbles out groggily.

   "It's fine." Kimi's Adam's apple bobs in his throat, not quite sure why her soft spoken words seemed to rattle him so much.

   Still half asleep, Melina glances at Nadia, whose lips are curled into a smirk. "Oh fuck off." The girl scowls, lifting her head from Kimi's shoulder.

   "I didn't say anything?" Nadia mouths, her smirk growing wider.

   "You were thinking it." She mouths back.

After what seems like forever, the group of five finally exit the plane and find baggage claim. They collect their bags and go to find the two Taxis they'd ordered to bring them to their hotel. Melina and Nadia chose to get their own as they couldn't all pack into one.

The busy streets of London only furthered the girls excitement as they ventured deeper into the city. It wasn't their first time visiting London, but as much as the girls couldn't stand British people, they adored the architecture and various site's they could visit.

Once they'd paid the taxi driver, they found their way to the guys waiting in the lobby. "Did you get our keycards?" Nadia asks, approaching Ollie.

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