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Oscar's POV:

I tapped my frail fingers on the wooden countertop, business had been down recently. I stood there waiting for the small bell located above the door to ring, signaling someone's entrance into the small local cafe. The black apron wrapped around my slim body itched like hell, irritating the small patch of skin showing under the orange shirt I had been wearing for the past 5 hours. I needed to size up. 

I gazed up to look through the large windows scattered along the cafe's walls, staring out into the bustling streets. The hundreds of strangers walking past the entrance, ignoring the bright orange and blue 'open' sign I had hung on the glass door a few weeks ago, hoping it would increase the attractiveness of the cozy space. Being on the corner of a busy street, you'd expect more customers, yet no one had even peered through the windows.

Frowning, I looked back down at the wooden countertop, Max, my co-worker, had left around 30 minutes ago to "Help his family with something" as he stated. If our boss found out he'd been skipping shifts, He'd be kicked out of here in no time. 

I turned to the espresso machine, its grill smothered with cream and chocolate syrup. I assumed this was due to the clumsy working capabilities of Max, as he never placed the cup off of the machine before adding the final touches.

Sighing, I grabbed the tablecloth, giving the grill a quick wipe before hearing a faint ringing coming from the front of the cafe. My neck instantly flew itself around to face the entrance, where A tall figure could be seen pushing the door ajar. On closer inspection, the man had dirty blonde hair, slicked to the side. He was wearing a large cobalt jacket, with a pale white undershirt, Jeans soaked, and his onyx boots glistened from the water that had previously drenched them.

The soft noise of the storm quickly entered the space, as the door was kept open for the man to enter. The sound of the rain slamming against the concrete path slowly faded away, as the door was quickly shut. The cafe then went back to its quiet demeanor.

"Oscar! It's been a while!" The man yelled from across the interior devoid of any people.

I smile crept its way onto my face, "Hey Logan!" 

"How's it been? winter break Is almost over, and we haven't got in touch once!" He exclaimed, the smile on his face extended, curling from either side of his face. His ocean-blue eyes scanned every inch of my face, moving their way down from my eyes to my lips, and back up.

"I've been okay, business has been pretty slow, as you can probably tell," I chuckled, nodding my head to the countless empty seats. "What can I make for you today?"

"Hmm.. I'll just have one of your regular hazelnut mochas thanks," He said, taking out his wallet, as I pressed the buttons on the cash register. I snickered at his somewhat childish choice of drink, heading to the back of the employee area to grab the ingredients required.

"Where's Max? Doesn't he usually share the same shifts as you?" I heard Logan ask from the front counter. 

"Yeah he does, he just had to 'help his family with something' which is a load of bullshit," I said, mocking Max's exact tone, gaining a laugh from the dirty blonde. "He's just slacking off as he knows we hardly get any customers that would require his assistance,"

I rushed back to the front, grabbing one of the regular cups, starting the machine. I pressed the 'Mocha' option, as the machine began to pour the chocolate espresso into the cup. Logan was glaring at me like he was analyzing my every move, yet he kept a wide smile on his face.

I placed one of my hands on the countertop, the other planted onto my hip, waiting for the machine to do its job. "Go sit down, I'll bring your drink in a few minutes," I said to Logan, smiling. He nodded, walking off to find a seat in one of the booths in the back corner.

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