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Oscar's POV:

I pulled away from Lando's lips, gazing up at him with a wide smile etched into my face. One of his hands moved down to my waist, gently grasping onto it, before we both stepped away from the F1 racing game. I felt my cheeks ignite, burning a bright red as his calloused fingertips traced circles into my skin.

"What next Osc?" Lando asked, peering down at me, as we slowly strolled around the multiple games and machines. I shrugged slightly before my eyes began to scan the room, looking for anything that would catch my attention. 

They landed on the Dance Dance Revolution machine across the room. I remembered always wanting to try one of them when I was younger, yet my parents always told me it was 'too dangerous' which was a load of shit. Lando seemed to follow my gaze, as I looked up at him to see him nodding vigorously.

"I love DDR, we should totally try it out!" He called out, before rushing over to the machine, dragging me along with him, his arm still attached around my waist. He took his place over the set of arrows on the left side, causing me to take the right set. Lando pressed play on the screen, instantly beginning the game.

I reached behind me, placing my hands on the handlebar before gazing at Lando. His hands were grasping his own handlebar tightly, causing the tense veins to flex and become visible under his skin. His arms also began to flex, his usual skinny arms became large and muscular.

I shook my head, before shifting my attention back to the game, realizing the arrows on the screen had already appeared, and I had missed all of them. I quickly put my feet into position, tapping them against the corresponding arrows on the screen.

I stayed focused for the rest of the game, trying my best to catch up to Lando's score, yet my faulty beginning had ruined my chances of winning. The game ended, and Lando had won by a landslide.

"How are you so good at everything? No Fair," I asked, huffing. Lando simply chuckled.

"You could've won that, you were just too distracted at the beginning," Me smirked, his gaze focusing on his arms. I rolled my eyes playfully, a small smile forming on my face.

"Your veins were showing what else was I supposed to look at," I teased. This caused Lando's face to glow a faint red, shaking his head slightly.

"The game of course," He joked. He nudged me with his elbow, before bringing me into a tight-knit hug, digging his head into the crook of my neck. I accepted it, wrapping my own arms around his stomach.

"I love you so muchhh," He whined, his voice muffled. I chuckled, rubbing circles into his back, before we pulled away from each other.

"I love you too Lando," I beamed.

We made our way around the arcade, playing all the games that caught our interest, until we had circled all the way back to the entrance of the store. Since our arrival, a few others had entered the once-empty area, causing Lando and I to be a little less affectionate.

I felt a slight buzz in my pocket, causing me to reach for my phone. I opened it to see a notification from Logan.

Logan :]

Hey Osc! Wanna hang out??

I bit my lip, I wasn't able to right now. I was out with Lando. I felt bad for having to say no, but Logan would understand. Right?


Sorry, I can't. I'm out with Lando right now

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