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Lando's POV:

I sat on the bench, resting one leg above the other, one arm stretched out. I gazed up at the sky above, fading from a deep blue to a warm, golden hue as the sun dipped below the horizon. Long shadows were beginning to cast, the clouds painted shades of pink and orange. I felt a gentle breeze blow on my face, and a calm sense washed over me as I waited for Oscar to arrive.

I had texted the brunette to meet me here at around dusk, I had my fingers crossed that he would show up. Knowing Oscar, he would, but part of me truly believed that he wouldn't. Ever since I had come out to him, and told him the thing I was most confused about, most ashamed about, I thought he would completely cut me off. 

Luckily for me, he didn't, which is why I've fallen in love with him more than ever.

I gazed down at the pale screen of my phone, it was getting late. Surely he would come, right? I heard a slight commotion coming from the children's playground, peering over to see a mother with three children. They were rotating turns going down the miniature slide, as the mom would clap and cheer them on. The sight brought a slight smile to my face.

I gazed over to the path that Oscar would normally take here, but there was no sign of the brunette. I sighed, noticing my foot begin to tap up and down rapidly, causing my whole leg to shake violently. I decided that I would call him, whipping my phone out of my pocket, quickly opening my contacts and tapping his name. The call soon began, and his name 'Oscar <3' Appeared, alongside the photo of us at the cafe that I had set as his contact photo.

Was it weird to have a heart next to his name? I wonder what my contact name for him was.

 It rang once, buzzing lightly in my palm. It then rang a second time, but still no answer. I felt a small drop of sweat trickle down my forehead, slowly reaching my cheeks, before falling off near my chin. I began to tense up, all parts of my body stiffening, the thought of Oscar not answering began to swell in my mind. The phone rang for the final time, before the call ended. Oscar hadn't answered. Maybe he didn't have his phone right now? Yes, that's why.

I stared at the contact, tempted to call again, but resisting. I got up, ready to leave, I had been waiting for almost thirty minutes and there was no sign of Oscar. I began walk away from the bench, before hearing the quick footsteps of someone running, followed by vigorous panting. I turned to see the familiar brunette behind me, hands planted on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"I'm... So... Sorry... Lando," Oscar panted between deep breaths, finally pulling his hands off his knees, his gaze meeting mine. I simply let out a faint chuckle.

"Osc, you had me worried for a while, why weren't you answering my calls?" I asked, pacing back to the bench, Oscar followed behind.

"Oh, my phone died, I was about to ring you saying I'd be a little late, but then it died," He chuckled, slouching onto the wooden bench, and placing his palm on his stomach. I took a seat beside him, hands firmly against my sides. I felt stiff, as our shoulders were constantly brushing against each other, causing my heart to pound against my chest every time it beat.

I took a deep breath in, before taking my arm closest to Oscar, and wrapping it around the park bench, leaning it against his shoulder furthest from me. He turned his head, his gaze meeting mine. A pink shade enveloped his cheeks, his lips parting into a weak smile.

"So... You had something to tell me?" He asked, curious intent fueling his tone. His eyes were locked onto mine, and their hazel tones were glowing under the dusk lighting. 

"Yeah, I did," I grinned. Oscar's eyes widened, his head naturally leaning in, intrigued.

"Go on then," He said.

"So... My dad got invited to this work party, and he said I was allowed to tag along, also including one extra person. He said this a while ago, suggesting I should bring a girlfriend... And well, I don't have one right now... So I thought... maybe you'd like to come? I stuttered. Oscar's eyes lit up, nodding his head vigorously.

"Yes of course! That sounds so fun! I'd love to!" He beamed. I grinned, patting his shoulder with the arm that was still wrapped around his neck. "Great!" I smiled. 

"When is it?" He asked curiously, his head tilting to the side. In all honesty, I wasn't sure.

"I'm honestly not entirely sure, I think a few days from now? Let me pull up the text he sent me." I stated, fiddling my hand in my pocket before grasping my phone. Oscar was intently focused on my screen, as I opened messages to see Oscar and I's messages pop up. His contact name 'Oscar <3' was boldly standing out from the rest. My body froze, unable to swipe the name away.

Had Oscar seen it? What did he think if he did?

I shook my head, internally removing the thoughts from my mind, before quickly exiting our messages and going to my dad's. The large message he had sent a few weeks ago appeared on my screen, with a small thumbs-up reaction attached. It read:


Hey mate, just wanted to ask you one thing. My boss is inviting me to his for a work party. He said I could invite two people. Was wondering if you wanted to come along, maybe bring someone, a girlfriend possibly? It's exactly today in 4 weeks, just giving you an early heads up. Thanks mate.


I gave Oscar time to read the message, before sliding my phone back into my pocket. He looked up at me, a faint smile on his face.

"That should be fine, I'm down to go," He grinned. His smile was infectious, causing one to form from my own lips.

"Okay! Meet me at mine, we can both get ready together and then go to the station?" I asked. Oscar nodded, before standing up.

"Yes, that sounds good. I'm really sorry but my parents will get mad at me if I'm not home for dinner, and then they'll yell at me for not answering their calls," He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck, a sheepish grin planted on his face.

I stood up next to him, our faces mere inches apart. our faces were plagued with a red tint simultaneously, our gazes interlocking. I noticed my arms begin to wrap their way around his torso, embracing him into a tight-knit hug. He accepted, wrapping his own arms around my neck. The hug was a little awkward, not something we would normally do unless one of us needed it desperately.

I was quite fond of it.

We soon pulled away, before realising I hadn't responded to his apology.

"Oh don't worry it's totally fine, you can start heading back now if you want," I grinned. Oscar nodded, before beginning to walk away. Before even taking ten steps, he turned around, giving a slight waving motion with his hand, A huge smile implanted onto his face.

"Bye Lando! See you then!" He called over less than ten meters, before turning back around and jogging back the way he usually came.

"Bye Osc," I whispered, inaudible to the other brunette, my gaze followed his silhouette until he was completely out of sight. I was stuck in place, unable to move, comprehending what I had just accomplished. A sly smirk appeared on my face, before turning towards the concrete pathway.

That night would be an interesting one, I'm sure of it.



this one was a struggle to finish I'm sorry😭

Also sorry about it being a little shorter, think of it as a precursor to the next chapter to come 🥰

Again, tysm for reading! love you all <33

- amelia

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