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anyway!! ty for reading! <33

Oscar's POV:

We sat in the front seats of Lando's car, both gazing out of the front windshield, toward the deserted parking lot in front of us. The empty sky loomed above us, with only a few gray clouds amidst the black void. Lando and I had both just confessed our love.

My mind was racing as I sat still in the cushioned seat, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I had my hand placed on the center island between our seats, trying to shift my posture. Lando seemed to be doing the same aside from me, his focus dead set straight ahead. Were we... together now? I wasn't sure.

"Lando," I murmured, causing the brunette to shift his attention toward me.

"Yeah?" He asked, before slowly moving his hand toward mine. He gently placed his hand above my own, before the soft impact of our skin occurred. The contact sent a rush of heat throughout my body, causing my face to grow a deep shade of red. His touch was mesmerizing. 

He began to trace circles in my palm with his thumb, gracing my skin with his gentle touch. His slow movements caused me to bite my lip, which seemed to make him grin.

"I- Why me?" I stammered, asking him the vital question I was dying to know. Why had Lando picked me out of all people?

"Why you? Because you're gorgeous Osc. You are genuinely such a nice person, I couldn't imagine anyone else I would rather be with right now," He exclaimed, the slight grin on his face widening. His thumb was still motioning small patterns along the creases in my palm.

"What are we now? Are we... together?" I questioned. We hadn't really set our boundaries yet. Lando furrowed his eyebrow, foraging for the right answer.

"I guess so, is that what you want us to be?" Lando asked, seemingly just as confused as I was.

"I'm not sure," I said. This situation was still so insane to me. I would have never guessed in a million years that I would be sitting next to Lando after we had just kissed against his car.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little confused about all of this," I stated, inhaling a large breath and clenching my eyes shut once again. This whole 'relationship' thing was daunting, especially with Lando.

"It's okay Osc, please take your time figuring things out. Please don't feel like I'm rushing you, it's totally okay if you're not ready yet," Lando reassured. God, he was perfect. I exhaled, opening my eyes and gazing across at Lando. I peered down at his lips, they were parted into the same dorky grin he always held. I swiftly turned back to face the parking lot, sitting straight up in the car seat.

"What made you... into me?" Lando asked sheepishly. He must've been just as interested in how I came to like him.

"I'm not entirely sure actually. I think it was how overwhelmingly kind you were to me after me and Lily's breakup. I was just so attached to your presence, your personality, your appearance... Sorry, I'm rambling," I started, before trailing off into a faint mutter. This caused Lando to chuckle slightly.

 "I never really questioned myself along the way, it sorta just, happened," I confessed, Lando simply nodded as a reaction. 

"I'm not sure how to feel about it. It wasn't something I imagined myself becoming, you know, liking..." I trailed off, unable to force the words out of my mouth. I was too ashamed to admit it. Lando nodded once more before a single tear began to trickle down his inflamed cheek.

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