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I just wanna say thank you for all the support!! <3 This story has almost 100 reads already! which is absolutely insane to me. Definitely a big motivator to keep writing!!

Again tysm!! <33

Oscar's POV:

I leaned back on the cushioned seat, my legs were stretched out in front of me, taking up half of the walkway. I had my arms crossed, my head tilting to the side. My eyelids were heavy and I was having trouble keeping myself from drifting off. Headphones covering my ears, I had music blasting into my ears, trying all I could to stop the slumber from taking control.

"I should've bought that RedBull from the vending machine near the subway entrance" I groaned to myself, placing my fingertips on my face, slowly pulling down to stretch my cheeks, then moving them in a circular motion. I probably looked like an idiot, yet I was the only person on the train that I could see.

I quickly paced out of the train through the sliding doors, looking for the closest vending machine, I soon found one, quickly purchasing a RedBull to skull before I reached the campus. I was slightly annoyed at the fact that It was 30 cents more than the one I had previously seen.

I then exited up the stairs and out of the subway. The Uni was within walking distance, so I didn't need to take any buses. I quickly arrived at the main entrance, walking through the tall steel gate. The 3 story buildings loomed over the small pathways and alleyways I had to walk down to reach my first class.

I eventually found the main pathway, which was thicker and more populated than any other path on campus. It was lined with restaurants and stores with tables and chairs scattered around. It was a loud and bustling environment, which was somewhat intimidating to me.

I quickly found the building my lecture was located in, only having a few minutes to spare. I entered the room, door wide open, the lecturer leaning against the desk in front of the large curve of desks, multiple rows in width.

I frowned, This was my first time attending this class, as I had always skipped it since it was too early in the morning. I decided to try my best from now on to wake up earlier for design coms, yet I couldn't guarantee it from how I felt this morning. The lecturer took no notice of me, as I hurried my way to the back of the class.

I gazed around at the other students, not a single other boy I could sit next to. Nothing wrong with talking to girls though, right?

I swallowed a small lump developing in my throat, Talking to strangers was scary, I was sufficient enough to deal with it at work, yet I felt a boost of confidence in my work attire. I would consider myself an introvert, I have little friends, and only really talk to people I know.

I slouched into a chair at the very top right of the room, taking out my laptop and the design brief we had to have started on winter break. Since I skipped the physical lectures, I usually just based my work on the course outline, and assessment task sheets, and I seemed to do just fine.

I gazed down at the brief I had written over a month ago, the neat handwriting scattered across multiple tables and paragraphs. I hadn't had the chance to look at it since. I groaned, Looking to my left to see a short Filipino girl sitting two seats away from me. She glared back at me, giving a slight smile before rummaging through her bag.

I looked down to the front of the room, where the lecturer began his continuous rants. I began tapping my pen on the desk, leaning my cheek onto my fist, my eyelids beginning to shut once again. Clearly, the RedBull wasn't enough.

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