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A/N: Party Chapter!! Starts at around halfway through :]

Oscar's POV:

I rushed through the crowds of people enveloping the subway platform, quickly making my way up to the flight of stairs. The harsh city wind pressed against my face, causing me to squint slightly. This led to multiple collisions with strangers, for which I swiftly apologized. I quickly hurried around the corner to the cafe, swinging the door open, and being invited by the warm yet busy atmosphere.

I quickly made my way past the front counter, into the kitchen, where Max was cooking a burger patty. I quickly wrapped the apron around my waist, placing my bag under the counter.

"It's pretty busy today," I mumbled to Max, who only nodded, keeping his focus on the food he was preparing. 

"Yeah, which is why you should stop yip yapping and get on with it," He hissed, I put my hands up, slightly taken aback by his response.

"Gee, okay, sorry," I sighed, taking one of the drink orders from the front counter and preparing it. I grabbed a small mug, pressing the 'latte' option on the machine. It quickly poured the coffee in, then filled the cup to the brim with milk. I mixed the two ingredients with a stirrer, before decorating the top with chocolate powder.

I quickly grabbed the order once more, checking the table number, 21. I scanned the room, to see a younger male sitting alone, focus diverted to his phone. I paced over to the table, quickly placing the mug onto the wooden surface. He looked up, his dark chocolate hair was slicked to the side, yet still thick and fluffy. His dark brown eyes Gazed at my features, quickly scanning my face before looking back down at the drink, and back up.

He was wearing a red collared shirt, with dark blue jeans. He nodded his head, murmuring a slight 'thank you'. He had a thick Spanish accent, his voice sounded like it was stripped right out of a romance. I smiled, hastily making my way back to the kitchen, where countless more orders had been made.

"Hey, you going to that party? Sounds like everyone is going," Max asked, turning his attention to me for the first time today.

"Yeah, My girlfriend invited me, not particularly excited to go though," I chuckled, Max grinned.

"I'm not much of a late night-out person either, yet Charles somehow persuaded me to go," Max sighed, I giggled.

"Charles sure does always get his way with you, doesn't he?" I smiled. Max just rolled his eyes, pouring a batch of chips onto a plate, and seasoning them. 

"You going with anyone? If not, we can always take you," Max asked, looking up at me.

"I was going with Lando, but who knows if I can trust him to take me," I chuckled, gaining a slight giggle from Max. "And It might be easier for you to take me, I could always ask him to cancel."

"Yeah, we could do that, Charles and I were gonna go to the mall beforehand though. You can come with us if you'd like," Max grinned.

"That's fine," I smiled, quickly taking the serving of chips Max had poured on the plate, and carrying it over the front counter. I paced down to the table that had ordered the food, filled with a family of four, placing it down.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I asked politely before the father shook his head. I turned back to the front counter before my eyes landed on the Spaniard I had previously served. His gaze was set directly on me, his brows furrowed, as if he had been inspecting me from afar. His stare was almost intimidating, causing me to look away almost immediately, I felt my face warm up, a tingling sensation rushing to my cheeks. 

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