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Oscar's POV:

I shook my head, The thought of Lando and I at the beach seemingly vanished, and my attention was brought back to the lecturer at the front of the class. I began to sink into the chair, my body molding into its stiff contours. I crossed my arms over my chest, letting out a faint huff before gazing over at Bianca. She was away with her pen, scribbling notes and concepts over her page.

I leaned over my desk, grasping my pen and ripping a section of my notebook out. I quickly scribbled a short message, reading 'Do you just wanna leave now? I'm bored as fuck' 

I slipped the paper across the wooden table, coming to a stop adjacent to Bianca's book. She glanced at the paper, before turning towards me and giving a slight smile, followed by a nod. I grinned, standing up from my chair, and packing all my books and pens into my bag. Bianca soon followed shortly after, as we both stepped down to the door, slipping out into the hallway.

"He has the most boring tone, I genuinely can't stand it," She huffed. I nodded in agreement.

"Well you seem to be able to at least listen, and take notes," I chuckled, Pushing a glass door open, keeping it open for Bianca to pass through.

"What? I'm not doing any work, usually I'm just writing random crap," She snickered.

"Oh really? What do you write?" I asked, intrigued.

"Nothing too interesting, I like songwriting," She sheepishly smiled. This sparked further interest in me. Songwriting wasn't something I would think Bianca was interested in.

"Woah, that's so cool! You have to show me what you have written," I exclaimed, she seemed to disapprove of this idea however.

"They're nothing special, nothing you would find interest in," She responded.

"Bullshit, I know they'll be absolutely stunning," I rebutted. She shook her head.

"They're not, but If I must show them to you, we can go sit somewhere, get something to eat, and you can possibly read them then. Most of them are in my notebook," She grinned, I nodded eagerly.

"Yes, You are showing them to me," I smiled. We paced along the walkway, making our way to the main chain of restaurants.

"Anywhere in particular you wanna go?" Bianca asked, looking up at me.

"No not really, you can decide," I replied. Bianca's smile widened. She quickly grabbed my hand before I had any time to react. She rushed through the crowds of people, dragging me along with her.

"Are you a big fan of Filipino food?" I heard her yell over the loud chatter that surrounded us. I shrugged.

"I don't mind it, are you taking us to a Filipino restaurant?" I asked, she nodded her head violently. We continued through the mass amounts of people before reaching the outskirts of the restaurant chain. There sat a small building, wrapped in decorative vines, tall wooden columns supporting either side. It hardly little to no customers, aside from one older woman sitting outside enjoying her meal.

 She guided me up to the wooden veranda the restaurant was sitting on, leading me inside its culturally rich interior. It was decorated with small strings, hanging dimly lit candles along the ceiling. The back wall was lined with a beautifully painted mural, the decorative vines from outside creeping their way across the interior walls.

"This place is... beautiful," I gasped in awe, still inspecting the countless intricate details and patterns on all the mahogany furniture.

"I know! I've always wanted to take one of my friends here, It has the best food out of any Filipino restaurant ever!" She beamed. Her excitement and joyful nature brought a smile to my face.

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