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Oscar's POV:

I leaned against the front counter, gazing at the few customers that had entered the cafe. Tapping on the countertop, I gazed at Max, who was serving an elderly their food and drinks. I was breathing heavily, my heart pounding. Today was the day that Lily wanted to 'talk'.

She asked when I was available, to which I said I was working today, and that she could drop by the cafe. I stared cautiously at the small bell located above the door, stressing over her arrival. I felt my eyes continuously flicking between the bell and Max, back to the bell, and then back to Max.

"Earth to Oscar, no daydreaming on the spot, hurry up and go work on the orders," Max exclaimed, waving his palm in front of my face. I shook my head, murmuring a slight 'sorry' before doing as I was asked. I began blending fresh fruit in a blender, preparing a tropical smoothie, before the small bell could be heard ringing.

My head turned instantaneously, before letting out a sigh of relief realizing it was just another customer. I quickly popped a straw in the blended creation, rushing the cup down to a younger man, handing it to him, and pacing back up to the front counter. I stood at the register, tapping my foot up and down on the wooden floor, my heart began to pick up its pace once again. 

The bell rang once again, and it was just another regular customer. I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath in, and out, feeling my heart rate lower slightly.

"Yo, are you good? You seem... stressed, almost paranoid," Max asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just awaiting someone's arrival," I smiled. Max simply nodded, before making his way down to the front of the cafe. I rolled my eyes, before hearing the bell ring yet another time. The noise was getting to me. I shook my head yet again, beginning to pace back and forth around the kitchen area.

I chose to forget about Lily, forget about what she was soon to ask, forget about the thought of her breaking up with me. Maybe it was for the better.

I grabbed a tray with a steak sandwich and soda can, which I assumed Max had accidentally left there. I sighed at Max's forgetfulness, pacing down to table 16, serving another customer. I felt my apron begin to untie itself around my waist, quickly tying it up again.

Time passed and I soon forgot about Lily's supposed arrival at the cafe. Business died down, and Max had finished his shift, leaving me by myself in the empty space. I grabbed a tablecloth and spray, making my way to a few tables that were covered in crumbs and grime. I sprayed them down, before quickly wiping them down.

The bell rang, I pre-emptively turned to the door, and to my surprise, I saw a familiar tall blonde walk in. 

"Hey Osc!" I heard Logan call from the glass door, the chatter of the streets also entering the enclosed area.

"Hey Logan, I didn't expect you to come here," I smiled, Logan just chuckled.

"I just thought I'd see how you were doing," He beamed, taking a seat in the chair across from where I was cleaning.

"Oh," Is all I managed to let out. I sat down across from Logan, placing the cloth and spray on the table. I looked up at him, his ocean-blue eyes gazed directly into mine. Our stares interlocked for a few seconds before I felt my cheeks burn, deciding to look away. I tapped my fingers on the wooden table, Looking down into my lap.

"So, How's uni?" He asked, I looked back up at him, his smile beamed, white teeth shone under the dim lights.

"It's fine, pretty boring, I did meet this girl, Bianca," I smiled, He nodded.

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