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Hey everyone!! I'm back from my short hiatus, and If you haven't seen my announcement already, I'm done with the school semester! I have a few weeks off that I can mostly dedicate to updating this and my other Landoscar book! Sorry for the long break, and I hope all of you understand <3 

Thank you once again for reading! <33

Oscar's POV:

I gazed into the mirror, my reflection glared back at me. I stood there, wearing only a pair of sweatpants. My torso was exposed, my frail composure shivered in the cold atmosphere of the bathroom. I frowned, inspecting each crook and crevis of my chest, unhappy with how my body curved and contoured.

 I envisioned myself with a bulky, yet slim frame, with muscles that flexed but also stayed soft, tanned skin that also was light. Yet alas, I was stuck in this skinny, pale, bruised body. I shook my head, and the negative thoughts seemingly vanished. Now wasn't the time for them, I didn't want to ruin the night. It would be fun, just me and Lando.

The dark gray dress pants I had chosen dangled from the grasp of my fingertips. I quickly slipped the sweatpants down, revealing my lower half, my slender legs and boxers visible. I quickly pulled the dress pants over my legs, before swiftly tying the cheap leather belt around my waist. 

Lando had changed our plans earlier this morning, saying it was easier for him to pick me up at mine, and then we could drive to the station. I had agreed, not bothered to walk to Lando's. I was about to reach for my white button-up, before hearing the doorbell ring multiple times.

Without anticipation, I hastily paced down the stairs. My mind was racing, knowing it could only be one person. Lando.

Without thinking, I rushed to the front door, swiftly swinging it open, the brunette appeared in front of me. I had only then realized I was still shirtless, only dressed in gray pants. There stood Lando, a wide grin plastered onto his face, which quickly switched to a shocked expression at the sight of my chest. His cheeks glowed a bright red, the hue stretched across his entire face.

"I uh- Hey Osc," He stammered, his gaze was set directly towards the floor, occasionally tracing up my leg and to my chest, before quickly falling back down. This caused my own cheeks to ripen, as my own gaze fell to the concrete below us. 

"Hi Lando... Sorry, I'm n- not dressed yet, you can come in if you'd like," I mumbled, before standing to the side and allowing the other to pass through. Lando chuckled, before shoving his hands into his pockets.

"It's fine Osc," He smiled, his head tilting up to face me. This brought my attention to his outfit. He was wearing a tailored black tuxedo with a crisp white dress shirt, complemented by a black tie and polished black shoes. He finished the look with cufflinks, a sleek silver watch, and a small marigold picking out the top of his pocket. The papaya-colored flower brought a large smile to my face.

"You look... stunning, how did you know marigolds were my favorite flower?" I questioned, in awe of Lando's incredible sense of formal fashion. Lando chuckled, his face blushing a deeper red, shaking his head slightly.

"I just knew you loved the color in general, so I thought it'd be something you like," He smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. My smile widened, as I made my way up the staircase, and Lando followed closely behind. I entered my bedroom, grasping the button-up shirt I had thrown onto the bed mattress. 

"You can take a seat on my bed, I'll uh, just go get changed in here," I stated, pointing towards my bathroom, before quickly sliding behind the door and swinging it shut. I breathed a sigh of relief, before pacing towards the mirror and pulling the button-up towards my chest. 

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