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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this is almost a week, and I've been super busy recently. My upload schedule might slow down a bit from now on (I have my exams in 3 weeks😭😭), but I'll try to at least post once a week :]

Also TYSM for all the support on this, we are almost at 300 reads and 30 favourites which is absolutely CRAZY to me, I genuinely did not expect this to do so well so ty all!! <3


Lando's POV:

Oscar and I made our way down the stairs into the subway, where there were hundreds of people crammed into the small area. I looked over at Oscar, who seemed slightly overwhelmed at the massive crowds of people all gathering around the railways.

"I don't think I've ever seen it this busy before!" Oscar exclaimed. I nodded, agreeing, the floor barely visible under the hordes of people. I saw this as an opportunity, Reaching out for Oscar's hand. His soft palm pressed against my rougher, firm grip, our fingers intertwining. My heart raced, beating rapidly out of control. 

I felt my face heat up, painted a bright pink from either of my ears. I gazed towards the brunette whose hand I had just grabbed and was still currently holding. His smile beamed, the sight caused my heart to ache even harder. All the people around us seemed to fade away, Oscar was the only one left. I glared into his caramel eyes, their fudge swirls almost seemed to be dancing around the black pupil in the center.

I quickly shook my head, exiting my quick trance. I pulled Oscar towards me, pacing through the dense crowds, and making our way to the train entrances. I shoved past the multitude of strangers, finally making our way to the train, just in time before the doors shut. I quickly found us a seat, resting myself on the cushioned material. Oscar did the same next to me.

I looked down to see our fingers still linked together. I burst of panic fuelled my thoughts, did Oscar think this was weird? Did he take it the wrong way? What if he doesn't like it? What if he stops talking to me? My gaze was locked onto our intertwined hands, frozen in place. I was unsure as to if I should pull away.

I felt a slight thump on my shoulder, causing me to jump at the sudden impact. I turned my head, staring down to see Oscar leaning his head on my shoulder, slight breathing noises could be heard escaping his mouth. Was he... sleeping?

I began to panic even more, I looked straight ahead, and all my limbs were locked into place. I barely moved a muscle. My heart felt like it was going to explode, jump out of my chest, climb through my ribs. I began to choke on my own thoughts, barely able to piece another calm and collected thought together. All hell had broken loose in my mind.

I slowly peered back down at the brunette, even through the constant jittering of my shoulder, he was still sound asleep, his light snores passed through his lips. 

His lips.

I gazed down at them, they were a muted pink color, with small creases covering them. They shone at the reflection of the sun off the window. I felt my head slowly make its way to face his, only inches apart. I felt his warm breaths brush off my cheeks, causing them to redden even more. I almost closed the gap, before I had actually realized what I was doing, and in public as well.

I couldn't Imagine what Oscar would do if I had publically embarrassed him like that, in front of the hundreds of strangers seated on the train. I shook my head, quickly directing my gaze straight ahead once again. This didn't last long, however, as I soon felt my eyes guide themselves back to Oscar.

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