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Lando's POV:

I woke up due to a throbbing pain in my head, a pounding sensation flowed through my brain. I opened my eyes, the morning light that shone through the window almost blinding me. The white light enveloped my whole vision. Letting out a groan, I hovered my arm over my face to block out the blinding light. My muscles ached, As I squirmed under the covers of my bead, looking down at the covers, that's when I realised.

I wasn't in my bed.

At that moment, I felt a warm set of arms find their way to my torso, wrapping around my waist. I instantly jerked backward, being pressed against someone's body. A slight mumble could be heard, followed by a quiet snore. I slowly turned my neck, seeing the Spaniard, Carlos, peacefully snoring away. I felt my cheeks burn, a red tint forming across them. My mind was racing, how did I end up here with Carlos? What happened last night? I tried recalling the events that took place previously, yet I struggled severely.

Carlos and I arrived at the party, Going to the kitchen to get drinks, sat down to watch the F1, Getting more drinks. I then remember Carlos grabbing me by the waist, and taking me to a secluded corner of the house, surrounded by people. I remember him pressing his lips up against mine. I had no say in his actions, I was under total influence of the alcoholic beverages at the time.

 I remember him trailing his hand up and under my shirt, his fingers slithering up my toned chest, feeling all over. That's when It struck me. 


Oscar had seen that. Oscar had seen Carlos and I. Oscar had seen Carlos and I making out, kissing each other, our bodies colliding with one another. Oscar had seen it all. It was all coming back to me now. Oscar's face was almost indecipherable, as usual. His face was plastered with a wide open mouth, his eyes seemed to be filled with a mix of shock, anger, envy? I genuinely could not tell.

His body seemed, frail, weak, as if the scene of Carlos and I caused him to collapse in on himself. I remember him rushing off, shaking his head. I felt my breathing escalate, my heart pounding, as if it were about to explode out of my chest. What did Oscar think? I remembered what he had said the day I came out to him.

"No, I just... I just didn't expect it, I don't see anything wrong with it,"

He had nothing wrong with me liking boys, he even said so himself. So why was I working myself up for no reason? Part of me thought it was because I didn't want Oscar to think I liked Carlos, or that I preferred Carlos over him. I mentally bashed myself.

That doesn't matter to Oscar, he's straight. He likes girls. He would never want to kiss me.

I sighed. for years now I had been crushing on Oscar, ever since I first met him, in 9th grade. I remember him first moving here, not knowing anyone. I invited him to sit with my friend group at lunch. A very small portion of me hated myself for doing that, 14 year old me was unaware of the future agony and stress I would curse upon my heart and mind.

Maybe it was time to stop loving Oscar.

I scoffed, I had already tried that countless times, none of which worked. I would constantly avoid him, declining his calls, and canceling any plans that included him. This only made me fall for the brunette even harder. I shook my head, exiting my thoughts, eventually clambering out of the strong grasp of the Spaniard. He let out a loud grunting noise followed by slight murmurs.

"Come backkkkk," He slurred. I giggled, Carlos was cute, but he wasn't Oscar.

"Carlos, do you remember what happened last night? I'm not sure I remember too much," I asked. Carlos sat up, rubbing his eyes with his fists clenched.

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