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Oscar's POV:

I was sat in the chair at the top left of the lecture room, tapping a pencil against the wooden surface. I had my cheek planted against my fist, bored out of my mind. When did this lecture end?

I peered down to the front of the room where my lecturer was standing, pointing to the TV board which was littered with small, illegible numbers and measurements. I groaned, placing my head against the desk. It had been about a week since Lando and I had our little late-night trip to the park. The thought of the night caused a dorky smile to creep its way onto my face.

I heard a slight tapping noise to my right, turning my head to see Bianca. She slid a small tear of paper across the table, a small grin on her face. I sat up, turning it over to read 'wanna hang after this?' I smiled, nodding. She grinned, giving a small thumbs-up before turning back to her work.

My smile widened before my mind wandered to Lando, as usual. My thoughts trailed back to a few days ago when Lando and I decided to go to the beach.

~ ~ ~

Lando and I walked side by side down the sand trail, surrounded by tall shrubs and greenery. The ocean was barely in sight. Lando held a striped surfboard in one hand, the other tucked into his board shorts. His white tank top swayed in the cool breeze. The wind would occasionally pull the clothing up, revealing his refined stomach. We were hardly in spring and he already had a dark tan.

I quickly looked away, feeling my face heat up slightly, and not from the bright sun that now enveloped the clear, blue sky. I bit my lip, focusing on the crashing waves that were now visible. I suddenly felt my phone be snatched out of my grasp, seeing the curly-haired brunette hold it above our heads.

"Hey! Since when did I just give you permission to take photos, looks like I need to change my password," I chuckled.

"Smile!" He beamed, taking multiple photos of us from above, half of which I probably looked atrocious in, due to the wind blowing my hair about. I giggled, jumping up and hastily snatching the phone out of his phone before he could react,  bolting ahead of him.

"Ay! Come back!" I heard Lando call from behind me, his pace quickly leveling mine. I felt the adrenaline rush coursing through my veins, as my legs were kicking against the sand.

I soon heard the familiar giggling from behind me, as Lando and I rushed along the warm, grainy surface. I turned to see him chasing me, a wide grin of his face, his arms stretched in front on him. He had dropped the surfboard down behind him. I had underestimated how quick he was, as he was quickly gaining on me.

I felt his grasp reach for me as he tugged on my jacket. This caused me to trip, sending us flying forward. I crashed onto the sand, the grains getting sent into the air. I felt a heavy weight press down slightly after I had fallen. I looked up to see Lando above me. My eyes widened, his face mere centimeters away from mine. My face exploded into a bright red color, my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

Lando's face seemed to do the same, a red shade covering his tanned skin ear to ear. I felt my gaze hover down to his lips, which were so close yet so far from mine. They were slightly parted, and their pink tint glistened under the bright sunlight. They were sculpted perfectly, their curvature was second to none. The velvet ridges were intertwined with both rough and smooth surfaces. 

A thought at the very back of my mind wondered what would happen if the distance closed. 

My eyes gazed back up at his, to see his focused on my own lips. I guess he realized I had spotted his curious stares, as his eyes reconnected with mine soon after. He had both of his arms on either side of my shoulders, keeping himself up so he wouldn't completely collapse on top of me. I felt my heart rate skyrocketed, my breathing becoming erratic.

Lando let out a slight chuckle, before quickly standing up and walking over to where he had dropped the surfboard. I felt dazed, stuck under some spell, unable to move. My eyes stuck in a widened position. I quickly shook my head, standing up and making my way to Lando.

"So I- uh," I stuttered, gazing at the back of Lando's neck. He turned around, eyebrows furrowed, a confused look on his face.

"What?" He asked. I  shook my head, why did I even start talking? I didn't even have anything to say.

"uh, nothing," I exclaimed. He simply shrugged his shoulders, before tugging at the hem of his tank top. He then brought it up over his head, revealing his tanned chest. I couldn't help but analyze each tone and crevis of his chest. His defined torso seemed to be glowing, standing out from its surroundings. My mouth gaped open. I quickly tensed up, turning away when Lando peered over at me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, confused as to why I was facing away, I felt my shoulders fold in, my legs shaking ever so slightly.

"Uh, no, I just... I don't really wanna take my shirt off," I stuttered. I had never been the biggest fan of the beach, as It was typical for all of my friends to go in only a pair of shorts. I had never had the confidence, let alone the body to follow, so I usually wore something on top. I was very selective about who I allowed to see my body.

 I slowly turned to Lando, who had a sorrowful look on his face. I smiled sheepishly, not sure how he was going to react.

"Oscar don't be silly, I have nothing wrong with that, you do what you like," He smiled. I felt my shoulders loosen, my legs becoming firm once again. I gave Lando a heartwarming smile, before he sprinted towards the water. He dived head-first into the water, poking his head out a few seconds later. He shook his hair like a dog, his curls soaking wet in the salty water.

"What are you waiting for?" He yelled, so everyone on the beach could hear. He gestured with his hand for me to follow him. I ran towards where the sand met the water, slowly entering. The water got to about my knee before I abruptly stopped. I was plodding when it came to entering the water. 

I sluggishly made my way in until the water reached my waist, this was when the freezing temperatures really took effect. I shuddered, and my shoulders began to tense up.

"Why does the water have to be so c-cold," I scolded, my teeth chattering as I spoke, Lando chuckled, before flicking his hands under the water, causing a large splash to soak me. I let out a high screech, the subzero temperature startling me.

"Hey! What the hell!" I yelled, this caused Lando to laugh even harder.

"Oh my god, you're such a wuss!" He giggled, splashing me even more. I retaliated, pushing my hands out in front of me to send a large wave of water toward Lando, this hit him directly in the chest, splashing upwards and completely drenching his face. I let out a loud chuckle, as an unimpressed look plagued his face.

This look then turned into a smirk, as he lunged toward me, grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. The contact of our bodies caused the freezing temperatures of the water to vanish seemingly, the warmth of his body colliding against my skin.

 I felt his hand trail up my back, His scorching hand slithering up my spine. My eyes widened, his warm touch was clear as daylight in cold water. My eyes interlocked with his, the turquoise hues flickering between all shades of blue. His other hand ventured down to the hem of my shorts. His fingers tugged at it slightly before slipping under them. His hand slid across my skin, causing a tingling sensation wherever his touch landed. His hand stopped on the lumbar region of my back, just above my rear.

He began to carve circles with his palm, but it didn't have the smooth texture of his skin, but a rather rough and sharp touch. He then pulled both of his hands away, the one just below my neck, and the one above my rear. He began to snicker, which is when I realized he had released dozens of small shells.

"What the hell!" I scoffed, shaking about, the shells prodded and poked my skin. Lando only giggled, diving his head below the water once again, as if what had happened was nothing.

Lando has just put his hand in my pants.


Thank you so much for reading!!

Next chapter Oscar will hang out with Bianca!

Again, tysm!! <33

- amelia

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