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Oscar's POV:

The deafening sound of my phone continuously buzzing woke me up. I gazed at the bare ceiling, the singular ceiling fan rotating around and around. I sat up, letting out a slight grunting noise. clamping my fingers into fists, I began to rub my eyelids, the lack of sleep added to my already tired morale. I then stretched my arms up into the air, the bedsheet falling down to reveal my bare chest.

Reaching over to my bedside table, scattering my fingertips until I caught grasp of my phone. I looked at the bright screen, seeing I had multiple missed calls from 'Unknown'. I knew this was Lando, as I had forgotten to change his contact name. I quickly typed in 'Lando :]' into the contact info under his number, before calling him back. Barely after one ring, Lando picked up.

"Hey, Osc," I heard Lando say through the phone, able to hear the smile on his face.

"Hey Lando," I said, "Why have you been spam calling me, you woke me up you know," I grumbled, and he chuckled at this.

"How in the hell did you only just wake up, it's 10:30 in the morning," Lando giggled. 10:30 wasn't that late, for me it's actually pretty early.

"Okay, sorry Mr 'I wake up before the sun rises and go to the gym' geez, anyway what did you want?" I asked. I heard Lando gasp.

"I was gonna ask if you wanna to the beach with Daniel and I, we would be there at about 1," He asked.

"I can't sorry, I've got work from 12:30 till like 6:00," I sighed, I was a little gutted, it was always nice to go to the beach with your friends. "Sorry," I repeated.

"Oh no, it's cool, we could maybe come down to get something to eat whilst you're working, it's only like a 5 or 10-minute drive from the beach ain't it?" He asked, I nodded, even though he couldn't see the physical response.

"Yeah that sounds good, see you then I guess," I smiled. "Also what's with going to the beach during the start of spring? It's still pretty cold outside," I asked

"The sun is supposed to be out today, It'll be quite warm, anyway! Bye Osc!" Lando exclaimed, before hanging up. I finally got up from my bed, running my hands through my hair. I went to my closet, finding my work attire and quickly changing into it. I then grabbed a black sweater, holding it up against my torso. I shook my head, thinking it didn't fit well with the dark green pants I was wearing. I grabbed a lighter gray jacket, slid it over my head, and rushed out my bedroom door.

I peered into the kitchen, yet my parents were absent, not even texting me about their whereabouts. Rushing out the front door, I quickly made my way to the bus stop which would quickly take me to the subway. I chose to take public transport, as it was for the most part easier and more convenient than driving there.

I took a seat on the train, neither seat next to me was taken, and the train was less busy than usual. I could hear a loud commotion a carriage or two down, so I leaned over and turned my head to see what was happening.

A few teenagers, a mix of boys and girls, most likely slightly younger than me were laughing and chatting. One of the boys turned in my direction before quickly looking back at his friends, laughing even more. I frowned, leaning back against the cushioned seat. I took my headphones out of my bag, putting them on, and waiting for my train to arrive.

I quickly rushed out of the train, heading out of the subway. The cafe was only a few streets down, a short walk. I entered the cafe through the backdoor. The loud creaking noise of the entrance made Max, who was seasoning a batch of fries, jump a little, causing him to turn around.

"What the fuck! I could've dropped these and we would've lost a whole batch," he scowled. I simply rolled my eyes.

"Hey, not my fault the door hasn't been oiled in years, go complain if you want," I mumbled, putting my bag aside, and tying the apron around my waist.

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