A New Face

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Ok this is my first fanfic on here! Might be a little long. Hope that's fine.  -JM   __________________________  Chapter 1  1 year since the fall Sherlock cautiously walked down the streets avoiding eye contact with anyone. He was just a few blocks away from John's flat, "this is risky." He thought to himself. He knew he would put both their lives in danger just being within two miles from him, but he just had to see him again. The last time he saw him was seven months ago by accident. He was in the graveyard to collect stuff people left by his grave. No one really left anything though, but that one time he saw John. He was leaning against the grave stone fast asleep. He didn't know how long he had been there, but he could tell he'd been crying. Sherlock stared at him for a while. He wanted to stroke his face and feel the touch of his skin again, but he was afraid that a sniper was waiting somewhere. He left and never went back. He walked down the streets darting his eyes everywhere looking for any sign of snipers. He could see the flat not that far away, he hid in an ally as he saw John walking to the door. He watched as he walked in, he could tell he hadn't been sleeping. He was holding a bag, it contained medication. Obviously. He looked thinner, he hadn't been eating. It broke Sherlock's heart seeing John like that. John looked over at him, Sherlock quickly looked away and started walking in the other direction. He crossed the road, but he was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't see a car coming right at him. "Look out!" Someone pushed him out of the way before it could hit him.   "Dude, what were you doing?" Sherlock looked at the girl who saved him. She had long wavy black hair, light tan, and intense grey eyes. She couldn't have been older than 14. Her ascent was American.   "Thank you..." Sherlock muttered as he started to walk away.   "Hey!" The girl started following him, "so I just saved your life and now you just walk away? What's up with that?" Sherlock stopped and looked at her. She was jet lagged, so she recently got off a plane. She was dresses in a black t-shirt with a white skull designed in the middle, dark jeans and black converse. She obviously was here alone. Sherlock could tell by the way she held herself. Confident and rebellious. No parent would let her out of their sight, so she wasn't supposed to be here. But why was she here? Sherlock didn't want to get involved, but he hadn't solved any cases on a while...  "Do yourself a favor and leave me alone." He started walking away, but she still followed him.   "You're not getting rid of me that easily." Sherlock kept looking straight, but he saw her with the corner of his eye. She was looking up at him smiling playfully. She was trying to annoy him. Sherlock sighed, "I don't even know your name and your already getting on my nerves."  She laughed," I'm Toni."   __________________________  Hoped you liked it. Not sure when I'll put up chapter 2  -JM

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