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Chapter 16

You cannot hide from me. SM

Who said I was hiding? SH

I have decided that you are done with watching John suffer. SM

How generous. SH

/Withheld/ Meet me at this address tomorrow at nightfall. Alone. If you bring anyone with you I will know and I will kill John with you watching helplessly. Are we clear? SM

Why are we meeting at an abandoned warehouse? Jim would've chosen something more personal. SH

Don't you dare bring up his name. In case you haven't noticed, he's dead. That means I follow my own orders.
Till next time, Holmes. SM

Can't wait. SH

Sherlock set down his mobile on the table beside him and went into his thinking position. He was so close to getting back to John. So close! It has only been three years but it felt like an eternity. He could survive three years without anything else, but not three long years without John.
He thought about what Moran would have in store for him at the warehouse.
Would there be others? Unlikely but not impossible.
Would he kill Sherlock just then and there? Most likely.
Does he know about Toni?
That question made Sherlock's eyes snap wide open. He was careful. He made sure Toni was safe... Didn't he?
Sebastian smirked as he dialed a number. It rang four times then someone answered.
"Hello, John. It's Dr. Moran."
"Oh, Hi Dr. Moran."
"I'm just checking to make sure you're taking those pills."
"Hm? Oh! Oh, yeah."
"How are they working for you?"
"Well, uh, they work. I'm not having nightmares and, um, yeah."
"That's good! Looking forward to our meeting next week, when the month is over. Bye!"

Moran hung up and tossed his mobile into a nearby armchair. He signed and rubbed his eyes. He was simply tired with all of John Watson's shit.
'I miss him so much.'
'I loved him.'
'He was my best friend.'
'I have nightmares about the fall.'
'It's my fault he's dead.'

"Blah blah blah blah blah, JUST. SHUT. UP." Sebastian exasperated. He walked over to his computer and sat in front of it and moved the mouse to wake it up. He looked through pictures he took of Sherlock, but he wasn't alone in most of them. There was a girl, about a foot shorter than him, and he could never get her face. He hired some people who were willing to try to get a picture of her without asking why.
He went to his email and smiled when he saw that he had a new message. He clicked on it and scrolled down to find a picture of Sherlock and the young girl. It looked like it was taken from the inside of a car, but it was good enough. Sherlock looked like he was in a deep conversation but the girl wasn't exactly paying attention. He was probably talking to himself. The girl was wearing a grey jacket with her hood up. She was looking to the right, towards the road, like she was making sure no one was following them. But apparently didn't do a good job.
Moran scrolled past the picture and found all the information his employee got on her.

Name: Tonia Grace Martin
Age: 17
School: classified
Lives: L.A. California
Parents: Her father is a movie director.

"Good enough." Moran smiled and printed out her picture. He stood up and walked down a hallway and down into the basement, then entered a small room filled with maps and information. He pinned the picture underneath a column he labeled 'kill', and a picture of John and Sherlock were pinned there too. Moran stepped back and looked at everything on the wall. It was easier to think and plan things like this for him, being able to see it all in front of him. He looked back at the pictures,
"Soon." He promised to himself. He ran back up the stairs and grabbed his phone and began to call someone.
"'Ello, boss." The man on the other end greeted. Moran smiled at being called 'boss' for a change, instead of 'pet'.
"I have another job for you. Are you up for it?"
"Yes sir."
"That girl, Tonia? I need you to get her for me."
"But, sir, she's almost on the other side of the-"
"YOU ARE TO GET HER FOR ME." Sebastian demanded.
"... Yes sir." The other man replied quietly.
"I know that Mr. Holmes will try to put up a fight and not follow my demands, so he's going to need a little push."
"Yes sir. Where shall I keep her?"
"Oh I don't care, be creative. Just make sure no one can find her, and remember not to kill her."
"What do I do with her, sir?"
"We'll video her then send it to the detective. Make sure she's nice and bloody for the camera."
"Absolutely sir. I won't let you down."
"And if you do let me down, well, you know what the consequences are." And with that, Sebastian hung up. His plan was working out perfectly, no one could stop him from getting revenge.
Ok first of all, let me just say that I haven't gotten to Sebastian Moran in the books yet. I'm only almost done with The Sign of Four, so I may get his personality wrong and stuff like that. So yeah.
I'll try to finish 17 as soon as I can so hang in there!
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Thank you so much for sticking with me this long! I don't know how many chapters will be left but it might not be that much. I don't know, I just love writing this so much.
Love you all!

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