On My Way

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Chapter 20

Sherlock solved the puzzle quickly, Moran used a grid system.
This is how it worked:
The message was "Two two one Baker Street." And using the grid, you write the words in a vertical line. For example, the word 'two' would be spelled
Since there were twenty letters, it was easy to divide them in a 4x5 row.
Sherlock smirked at his intelligence and ran towards his old flat. He stopped when he was just a block away, remembering about the snipers. He looked around and then heard the pager go off. He looked down at it:

/Don't worry about them, Mr. Holmes. I've made sure that they will only shoot you if you speak to your little pet.
Have fun,
Sebastian xx/

Sherlock put the pager back in his pocket and ran towards the building, picking the lock and letting himself inside. He immediately saw the tiny cameras that were placed in every corner, watching him.
He glared at one of them and made a rude sign towards it as he started to look around for what ever Moran wanted him to find. His heart stopped when he heard footsteps from the flat up the stairs.
His flat.
John's flat.
He looked up and listened to his old friend walking around,
'Light sound; possibly barefoot. He's walking slowly and feet are being dragged; obviously exhausted.' Sherlock deduced in his head. He heard the footsteps coming closer, so Sherlock ducked down behind the stairs as soon as the door opened.
He heard John walk down,
'Leaning against the wall, limp has returned, obvious signs of depression, and starving judging by the sound I just heard from his stomach.'
He peaked his head up to see John.
His John.
But he couldn't see the detective, he wasn't even there. He was somewhere lost in his mind, trying to hide from reality. The reality that his friend was dead.
'I'm not dead, John.' All Sherlock wanted to do was run up to him and tell him how he felt about him, and how he was doing all this for him.
But he couldn't, and he probably will never be able to.
He watched as he slowly made his way to the door and stepping outside, cane in hand. He closed the door behind him, having no idea that his "dead" friend was only 10 feet away.
Sherlock sighed,
He glared up at the camera again and then he heard the pager go off:

/Find Tonia, then we'll talk about John./

Sherlock put it back in his pocket and ran up the stairs, looking for anything Moran might of left as a clue. Right before he was about to open the door the pager went off again:

/It's not in your flat./

Sherlock knew that meant he wasn't allowed to see his home. He went down into the flat in the basement, remembering that was where Moran used to be. He walked in, looking around at the empty room.
Moran had taken down all the pictures he had on the wall and all the papers as well,
"What am I looking for?" Sherlock said aloud, growing frustrated. He turned around and then something caught his eye.
In the far corner of the room there was a small photo. Sherlock picked it up and examined it.
It was a picture of what looked like an old house... Why would Moran want him to see this. Of course he recognized it, it was only about ten miles from here. He stared at it more closely, trying to find out what was special about it.
He couldn't figure it out, so he decided to go to the house and get a better look. But right before he was going to leave he heard the front door open and someone walk in,
"John..." He said softly to himself, too quiet for anyone to hear. He listened to John limp up the stairs and into his flat and heard the faint sound of the telly turning on.
What was that? Was he watching... Doctor Who?
Sherlock rolled his eyes as he remembered John making him watch that stupid show with him. He had no clue why John loved it so much! Everything on that show was completely illogical.
Sherlock sighed and quietly made his way out of the building and out onto the streets. He needed to call a cab to take him to the house, but how could he do that without being recognized? He quickly grabbed a hat off a table somebody left outside at a restaurant and hailed a cab, doing all this in one swift motion.
He popped up his coat collar and his his face behind the hat, telling the cabbie where to take him. He looked down at his watch, '12 more hours...' He thought. He knew Moran would wait a while before he made someone give him the pager, he wanted this to be more "exciting".
That bastard.
When the cab stopped at his destination Sherlock threw some money at the driver, not caring about the change. He waited for him to drive off before he turned around and looked at the abandoned house... Why did Moran want him here?
Sherlock walked in, moving his eyes everywhere. He tried to look for anything that could be classified as a clue to where Toni was. When he couldn't find anything inside, he headed outside. He walked around searching everywhere, and then something caught his eye...
There was a door on the ground that lead into the basement, but what caught his eye was the tiny red X painted on the doorknob,
"X marks the spot." Sherlock sighed,
He knelt down to open it, but realized it was locked. He kicked it in, which seemed to do the trick. He grabbed a small flash light from his coat and slowly climbed in and walked down the stairs.
This wasn't any basement. This one was just one long hallway with rooms lined up beside each other. He put his ear up to one of them, but then heard a loud scream come from the very last room,
"Toni!" Sherlock ran as fast as he could towards the screams,
'Don't worry, I'm coming.'
Aaaaaaaaaand there ya go
I am very happy about this chapter
Oh and you are just gonna LOVE what I have planned for the next chapter

Just wait and seeee

But seriously, I probably have only a few more chapters left and then I'm done!
maybe I should write a sequel... A parentlock sequel! OH THE POSSIBILITIES
AND I also have this new fanfic called Waiting for You. I'm almost done with the first chapter and I'll post it soon. Maybe even next week!
It's a Johnlock AU where John is in Afghanistan and he sends letters to Sherlock. That's all I'm saying for now.

I love you guys so much asdfghjkl

P.S. sorry if I didn't explain that secret message thing that good. I'm shit at explaining things heh.

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