I'll Find You

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Chapter 19

Toni held her eyes shut tightly as Loki stitched up her wounds. He said he didn't want her to "bleed out" just yet.
"Stop squirming." He sighed as he worked on a gash on her forearm.
"It just hurts, alright?" Toni growled through clenched teeth.
"It's supposed to hurt, darling. That's the whole fun of it." Loki chuckled and wrapped a piece of cloth around the wound.
He worked on other gashes and cuts as Toni looked at the table of knives,
"So, what? You're just going to patch me up and then cut me up all over again, is that it?" She was terrified to see another knife come towards her, he already used all of them on her at least twice.
"Oh no, that would be boring." Loki laughed and looked at Toni, his eyes piercing into her soul.
The girl shivered, "Then what?" She asked, voice shaking.
"You'll see." The tall man winked and then walked out of the small room, locking the door behind him.
Toni struggled at her chains, trying to loosen them up. She jerked to the side and almost fell to the floor, but they didn't budge. She tried scooting over to the table with the knives, she thought she could grab one and try to use it to get out.
Inch by inch Toni slowly made her way to the table. Her hands were tied behind her, so she turned around and tried to reach one of the knives.
"Almost... There..." She reached her hands up as far as she could, but still couldn't get it. Frustrated, Toni kicked one of the table legs which broke it. The table slanted down and all the knives slid down onto the floor. She quickly grabbed one and sat on it, keeping it out of sight.
The door swung open,
"What the hell..." Loki looked at Toni, the broken table, and all the knives on the floor.
He advanced towards her as she tried backing away,
"Leave me alone!" Toni screamed when she saw what he had in his hands.
Loki was holding a cat-o'-nine-tails((A whip consisting of nine knotted cords fastened to a handle, used in punishment or torture)) and his smirk was almost deadly. Toni thrashed around in her chair, backing farther away.
"Behave, Tonia." Loki said in a calm voice, but the terrified girl kept screaming.
"I said BEHAVE!" He yelled more sternly and struck the whip across Toni's face.
It stung. It stung like hell. Her vision went blurry and tears fell down her face. She might have screamed, it might have been someone's name. Was it Sherlock's name? Maybe. She didn't know what she was screaming, she just wanted to get out of this god damned room.
Loki struck her again.
Sherlock paced back and forth on the rooftop of a building not that far from 221 Baker street. He seemed more calm when he could see his old flat, like it reminded him that all this running was going to pay off. He was going to see John again.
His hands fidgeted under his chin as he tried to think. Obviously Moran would send him a clue about how to find Toni, it's what Jim would do. He walked to the edge of the building and looked down. All he saw was a couple people walking and a few cars... But there was something that put him off.
At the bottom of the building there was a man he'd never seen before, and he was staring up right at him.
Sherlock narrowed his eyes and climbed back down to the ground. He put his hands in his pockets and casually walked over to the man. He stood next to him, facing the street as the stranger faced the building.
"Sherlock Holmes." The man greets, not looking away from the building in front of him. His accent was Scottish.
"What do you want?" Sherlock asks.
"I was told to give this to you." The man hands him a pager with a note.
Sherlock looks at it for a moment before taking it, "You work for Mr. Moran I presume." He commented.
"Quite right." He gives Sherlock a smirk before he walks away. He had spiky brown hair, a blue suit, grey converse, and a long brown coat that flowed behind him.
Sherlock looked down at the note. It said:

'I know how much you love puzzles, so I'm starting off this little hunt of yours with one. Good luck, Mr. Holmes.
-SM x

T N K T T '

Sherlock chuckled, "Is that the best you can do?" He solved the puzzle in not even a minute. It was an address, and ran as fast as he could to the destination.
'Don't worry, Toni. I'll find you.'
Yay I finally finished this chapter!!
What? No! I would never abandon you guys!!!!

Sorry it took so long, my boyfriend asked me to homecoming(he's a freshman) so yeah I've been freaking out about that. Even though I'm only in 8th grade they said it's ok for me to go. Plus I can pass for a 15 year old so yeah.

DID ANY OF YOU GUYS FIGURE OUT THE PUZZLE? Comment if you did but DONT give away the answer!!

And I got that whole cat-o'-nine-tails idea while I was watching The Passion of Christ.

I still can't believe how many reads this story has got I mean seriously asdfghjkl thank you.

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