48 Hours

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Chapter 18

That's all Toni could register when she woke up. She moved only to realize that she was tied to a chair. Her legs and arms were bound in chains and there was a bag over her, making it impossible for her to see. She felt a server pain in her head.
'Just stay calm. Stay calm stay calm.' She told herself. Toni struggled, which made the chains grip even stronger.
Suddenly the bag was ripped off her head. Toni was almost blinded by the sudden light, but once her vision adjusted she took a good look at her surroundings: windowless walls, video camera, table with knives, rope, and a man towering above her.
The man was wearing a blue v-neck, a black leather jacket, and tight black pants. If Toni wasn't in this situation, she would've thought he was pretty attractive.
"Ah, look who's awake." The man said in a smooth British accent. He smirked and walked over to the table and carefully analyzed one of the knives.
"Let me guess... You work for Moran?" Toni guessed, keeping her voice calm and cool.
The man made a soft chuckle, "What gave it away?"
"The accent, mostly." Toni shrugged. She was absolutely terrified by how the man was acting so calm and almost... Friendly.
"Ah, thought so." He turned to give Toni a smile which gave her chills.
'Get me out of here now.' He mind screamed. She carefully eyed the knives,
"So, Seb had you kidnap me... Why? And how did you find me? And what even is your name?" Toni asked trying to keep her voice from shaking.
The man laughed, "My name? Well, of course I'm not going to tell you that. But you should have a name to call me by..." He frowned for a second and then his face lit up as he thought of a name,
"How about Loki? The god of mischief. Yes, I think that fits me perfectly." He gave Toni a smirk.
'God of mischief? Yeah, I'm screwed. GET ME OUT OF HERE.'
"YEEEERRRGGG!" Toni screamed through clenched teeth.
"Oh come on, darling, stop pretending it doesn't hurt." Loki pushed the blade farther into her thigh. Toni screwed her eyes shut, trying to think about /anything/ accept the pain.
Her head throbbed from the many strikes to her face, she tasted blood in her mouth, her right shoulder was most likely dislocated, and she didn't dare look down at her legs.
"P-please... Stop."
She could feel the blood soaking her pants.
Loki laughed, "We haven't even gotten to the fun part yet!" He hopped over to the table, almost childishly, and grabbed something that looked like an earpiece.
"Put this on and do exactly what I say." He forced the small device into Toni's ear and walked behind the camera after giving her another punch, keeping the blade in her leg.
Toni glared at him with tears threatening to escape her eyes.
'Sherlock, where the hell are you?'
"Alright, darling, smile for the camera!"
"Go to hell."
Loki gave another maniacal laugh and turned on the video camera, pulled out a pager from his pocket, and started typing.
Toni heard the words through the earpiece.
"Sherlock Holmes..." She began.
Sherlock glanced down at the address as he hurried down the streets, his head down and his coat collar up. His fingers tapped nervously in his pockets as he came closer to the building. His hand touched the revolver he hid, checking to make sure it was still there.
When he approached the entrance to the warehouse he quickly looked around, making sure no one else was there. He looked down at his watch.
Almost midnight.
He pushed the door open and stepped inside, taking in his surroundings. There was a computer and a desk. Nothing else.
Sherlock frowned and walked inside, holding his hands behind his back.
"I'm here, Mr. Moran. I do hope this wasn't a set up." He played,
"I did hope we could have a proper chat." He slowly walked further into the room while turning and looking around.
"Ah yes, Sherlock Holmes. So lovely for you to come by." Sebastian stepped into view, smirking at the other man.
"Now, let me just make sure we're going to have a friendly chat..." He said as he came closer to Sherlock. He gave the detective a quick pat down, looking for weapons. He smiled and pulled the gun out of Sherlock's pocket,
"You won't be needing this now would you?" He tossed the gun to the side, making it land with a loud 'CLANK'.
Sherlock kept his face emotionless,
"What do you want, Sebastian?"
"I'm not going to tell you because that would be /so/ boring. So I'm going to let a little friend of yours tell you." He said, lips curling into an evil grin. Sherlock's stomach dropped,
"Don't you dare hurt John." He said in a low, dangerous voice. Moran laughed,
"Oh no I wouldn't do that to John. Well, I would hurt him but I wouldn't make him send you a message. That would mean telling him you're alive and that's the /last/ thing I want to do." He sighed with amusement and walked over to the computer.
"Take a seat, Holmes." He said without turning to look at him. Sherlock looked around,
"I'm not going to sit on the floor." Moran turned to him,
"Yes you are." He growled impatiently as he grabbed Sherlock's shoulders and forced him onto his knees. He pushed Sebastian away but reluctantly sat down cross legged. He looked up at the screen as the other man started a video.
'What the hell...' Sherlock's eyes widened as Moran stepped away so he could get a better look at the computer.
'You stupid idiot. Of course this would happen, what did you think? You selfish bastard. You should've protected her.' He scolded himself as he saw a bloody Toni tied to a chair.
"Sherlock Holmes..." She began. Sherlock felt a pain in his chest when he heard how broken her voice was. He wanted to close his eyes, to run away, to turn off the video.
But he couldn't.
He couldn't move.
Sherlock watched in horror as Toni was being fed lines from an earpiece... Just like John.
"You have... 48 hours to find me. If... You don't... John will be killed." Toni inhaled sharply,
"You may be... Wondering why they love to... Do this to you. It is because... It's what Jim would want. He would love to see you... Suffer. He loves to watch you... Dance." She closed her eyes tightly,
"48 hours. That is... Your deadline. Or the two people you care... About... Dies." She choked back a sob,
"This all ends when you... End. If you just... Died like you were supposed... To, none of this would've... Happened." She looked back up at the camera, a tear falling down her face,
"And in case you need a little more incentive..." Her expression turned confused when no more lines were being said to her, but that was quickly replaced with panic as Loki came into view.
"NO!" She screamed,
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She thrashed around in the chair, trying to break free as Loki came towards her with another knife. This time, a lot more threatening than the ones before.
"Stop it! Leave her alone!" Sherlock yelled as he sprang into his feet and grabbed Moran by his neck. Moran laughed,
"You heard your instructions. Save the girl, or they both die." He checked his watch,
"You have 48 hours. I suggest you start... Now."
Sherlock growled and threw Moran onto the ground and bolted out of the warehouse.
Having no idea where he was going.
Will Sherlock save Toni in time? Will he ever see John again?
I do not know.
Sorry it took so long to update! I've been SOOOO busy these days and I just got a new(and first ever) boyfriend! *happy dance* so yeah I've been busy with that to.
And no, I haven't been busy like /that/. I'm only 13, sheesh.
Carry on my wayward readers :)

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