Please Come Home

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Chapter 15

Toni sighed and sat back in her chair,

'Well now what?' She thought to herself. Sherlock was counting on her to look after John, she couldn't possibly let him down. She went through her mind trying to find an answer. Finally she decided on an idea, she didn't like it but it was the only one that would work. She typed Sherlock a message.

I need some of John's laptop info. TM

What do you need? SH

Password and serial number. TM

/withheld/ SH

Thanks. TM

Toni quickly went to work. She hacked into John's laptop and activated his webcam.

'I'm not a pervert.' She told herself, but once the image of his flat popped up on her screen she sighed in defeat,

'Yeah. I'm a pervert.' She worked it out so it would only go one way, Toni was able to see and hear John but he couldn't see or hear Toni.

'God this is so weird.' John's laptop looked to be sitting on a table. It was at an angle so she could see the kitchen, fireplace, and a chair.

'Nice place, Holmes.' She watched as John slowly walked into view, taking his seat in the chair. He looked to be in even worse condition than before. He had massive dark circles under his eyes and he was just so /skinny/. The clothes he was wearing looked too big for him because of that. John just stared at something on the ground in front of him, but Toni couldn't see what it was. He looked like he was at the verge of tears, but nothing came out. He probably got to the point where he couldn't make tears anymore, he obviously was crying not that long before. Toni decided to tell Sherlock.

He doesn't look good. TM

Why? What do you mean? What happened? SH

Toni sighed.

I mean he looks like he hasn't slept or eaten for days. TM

... SH

I need to see him. SH

NO! You'll have him killed! TM

He needs me. SH

I know, but you can't just go up and knock on his door. TM

I'll climb through the window. SH

You know what I mean, smart ass. TM

I know I know. I need to focus on Moran right now. SH

Yes, good. Let me worry about John and you take care of Moran, okay? TM

Okay. SH

Alright, don't make me come over there and smack you upside the head. TM

Again? SH

Yup. TM

Fine. Keep me updated. SH

Will do. TM

Toni exited out and went back to watching John.

'I really hope he keeps his clothes on...'


John sat in his chair, staring at Sherlock's music that he had composed but never finished. Some papers still stood upon his music stand, and others were scattered below it on the floor from the wind. John remembered back when Sherlock started writing that unfinished song.

"I've never heard that one before, what's it called?" John called out to his flatmate from the kitchen.

"It's not done yet!" Sherlock mumbled, clearly frustrated about something. He angrily wrote and erased on the paper in front of him. He set the pencil down and stared at what he wrote for a moment, then started playing again.

John came out of the kitchen and sat in his chair, listening to Sherlock play. He smiled in amusement at his face that was so focused. Sherlock stopped abruptly then wrote something else down, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why are you so frustrated? I'm sure it's ok."

"That's just it! It can't just be /ok/. It needs to be perfect." He answered, eyes still on his music sheet. John sighed,

"And why does it need to be absolutely perfect?" Sherlock finally turned his head to look at John,

"Isn't it obvious?"

John rolled his eyes, "If it was, why am I asking you?"

Sherlock sighed and then looked back at the music, "Your birthday is next month." Was all he said. He picked up his violin and started playing again.

John stared at him in surprise. He had no idea Sherlock actually remembered when his birthday was, let alone cared. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to say 'thank you' or what, so he just smiled at him and walked up to his room. If it was for his birthday it should be a surprise, right?

He never got to finish it. The fall was a week later. John slowly got up and knelt down to pick up the music. He stood back up as he read it.

'For My Friend and Companion'

Was the title, and that's when John lost it completely. He dropped the papers and sobbed into his hands.

'Why can't I move on? Why can't I bloody move on?!' John thought as he wept. He felt a comforting arm wrap around his shoulders. He looked over to see that it was Mrs. Hudson, he must've not noticed her walked in. That seemed to happen a lot nowadays, John not noticing things anymore. He would just tune out and just not exists for a while. A whole marching band could walk through this flat and he probably still wouldn't notice.

"Are you alright, dear?" He asked kindly. John shook his head,

"I m-miss him... S-so m-much." He answered, wiping away his tears.

"So do I, but I've accepted that he's gone. I think you need to do that too." She told him. John looked her right in the eyes,

"I can't." And he began to sob into her shoulder like a small child. Mrs. Hudson spoke words of comfort to John as they held each other, but he wasn't listening.

'Sherlock, please come home.'



It's a little short but oh well, it was a good chapter right? This took forever to finish, ugh, but don't hate me. I've got like 4 fanfics I'm working on right now. This one, Something in the Water, one that is still in the making, and a really really REALLY sad one-shot.

Not sure when I'll be done with 16, but I'll try to make it soon! Please vote, comment, and share.

Thank you! Love you all soooooo much!


P.S. did anyone notice that little TFiOS reference?

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