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Chapter 7

They just stared at each other for a moment.  

"Uh, I'm visiting my uncle. He recently moved in this building." 

"Why are you up here?"  

"I uh... Got lost..?"  

"Well I believe he is downstairs in 221C. Someone recently moved in there."  

Toni sigh nervously, "ok thank you. And you are?"  

"John. John Watson." He gave her a soft smile.  

She smiled back, "nice to meet you." She hurried back down stairs before he could say anything else. Man, that guy looked AWFUL. She could almost see his bones because of how thin he was. She walked up to the door that said 221C. She pressed her ear up against the door to try to hear if anyone was in. No one seemed to be, so she slowly opened the door and peaked inside. She didn't see anything except a mattress in the corner of the room and clothes scattered everywhere. On the walls were pictures of Sherlock and notes scribbled all around. She stepped in to get a closer look at the pictures. Some of them were more recent than others. She looked at a picture of her pushing Sherlock off the rode. It was blurry but they got the side of her face. She quickly took it down and stuffed it in her pocket along with some notes then quickly got out. She walked out of the building with her head down and heart still pounding. She found Sherlock waiting for her in an ally,  

"Well?" He was anxious to find out what she had found. She handed him the papers.  

"He wasn't home so I didn't stay long."  

"It's fine. How is John?" She could tell he was nervous for him.  

"He's fine. They didn't hurt him, but it looks like he's been hurting himself."  

"What do you mean?"  

"I mean he's starving himself."  

Sherlock just stared at her for a moment then nodded, "all right." He started walking away with Toni following, 

"So where now?" She asked relived it was over.  

"We need to find somewhere else to stay, but first I need to make a stop somewhere." Toni nodded. They walked down the streets until the got to a graveyard.  

"Uh, what are we doing here?" She asked looking around.  

"Stay here. I need to do something." And with that he left and went inside. Toni watched as he walked over to a grave and picked a rose that someone left there. Toni tried to read what the name on the grave was. Her eyes widened as she realized it was Sherlock's. he put the rose in his coat and walked back to Toni.  

"So... Onward?" She said trying to avoid the subject of what he just did. He nodded and they started running together in silence.  


They were sitting up against the wall in an old farm that seemed to be empty for years. They read through the notes carefully.  

"Here are a list of names and some of them are crossed out. What could that mean?" Toni asked pointing at the paper.  

Sherlock shook his head, "I'm not sure. Could be a list of people he needs to kill."  

"But..." Toni said noticing something.  

"John's and my name isn't on it." Sherlock said realizing it too. They went through some more notes. On one of them was three times:  

5:45 AM 

9:00 PM 

12:00 Midnight  

"Schedule maybe?"  


"It was almost 6:00 when I went to the building and he wasn't there. So maybe it is a schedule. Times when he has to be gone." Toni said. Sherlock nodded slowly going into deep thought. Sherlock put his hands together under his chin and stared straight forward, his thinking position. Toni sighed and continued to look through the notes. About a half hour passed when Sherlock yelled,  


Toni jumped, "you don't need to shout I'm right here."  

"He has been following me," Sherlock said ignoring her, "there's no one else. Just him. I've been running from what I thought was a whole society was actually one man!"  

"Then what were the list of people about?" Toni asked trying to see where he was going.  

"Allies. People that could possibly help him. The names that were crossed out were the people who couldn't."  

"The times?"  

"Hunting time. The times when there are less people on the streets. He knows that's the time when I come out."  

"So what do we do now?" Toni asked slightly impressed.  

"We continue to check on him. Now that when know when he's gone it will be easier to get into his room." Sherlock said smiling, proud of himself. Toni smiles slightly, but then it faded when she remembered that she still needed to hide. She had to make sure they could never see her.  

Sherlock looked over at her, "how long have you been thinking you'll want to stay with me?"  

She shrugged, "as long as you need me." She gave him a smirk, "which will be a long time." They smiles at each other, believing that that statement was true.  


Ok! Hoped you liked it! Sorry it took a while. Stupid writers block. Please vote, comment, and share!  


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