Help Her

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Chapter 22

Sherlock screamed, but what use could that do?
Two men tackled the detective and did his best to fight them off. He had gotten pretty strong over the last three years, it was no trouble fighting them.
Until they got out their guns. He tried to kick and punch them out of their hands, but then more people started shooting at him. He knew they wouldn't leave him alone until he was dead... So that's what he did.
He scurried away until a man shot him in the side, causing him to fall over. It did hurt a lot, but Sherlock made it look worse that it was. He put one hand under his armpit to make his pulse stop.
He played dead. A man stood over him and smirked.
"Move!" Sebastian pushed aside some of the armed men so he could take a good at the bloody Sherlock. He laughed and knelt down next to him,
"Not so invincible now, are we?" He laughed again and reached his hand down to check his pulse.
What Sherlock did next was something nobody was prepared for.
Moran put a hand to Sherlock's neck and the second he felt the pulse the detective jumped up and grabbed the gun from Sebastian's belt, then shot him in the forehead.
He stood their for a second, eyes wide with surprise at Sherlock, then fell with a loud thud.
The other men were shocked as well, not knowing what to do. The man they were forced to work for had been killed... They looked at Sherlock and then scattered, trying to get away before anyone else showed up. The gunfire should've attracted some attention.
Sherlock stumbled as he tried to go to Toni. She was barely breathing, but still alive. But for how much longer? He needed to do something and fast.
He picked her up and once again tried to get to the van, limping and every step shooting pain throughout his whole body.
"Stay with me, Toni. Don't die. Don't you dare fucking die." He said to her, hardly able to look at her once beautiful face now all dirty on covered in blood.
He was so close to the van that he tried running to it, but almost fell so he just stuck with staggering towards it. He kept making sure Toni was still alive. The moment she saved him from getting run over by a car she was his responsibility. He tried to imagine how these three years would've been like without Toni... Would've he even survived? She had saved his life in so many ways... She helped him stay focused on coming back home to John.
And now he could.
Moriarty was dead. Moran is dead. The network is down.
He could go home.
But Toni... This amazing girl. Tonia Martin, was the only thing he cared about right here right now.
He finally made it to the van and gently laid Toni down in the backseat. He crawled up to the drivers seat but then realised there was no key,
"NO!!" He screamed. He quickly tried to jumpstart the van, cursing under his breath. He needed to get Toni to a hospital /now/.
Finally what after felt like hours Sherlock was driving down the road doing 90(miles). He knew there was a hospital twenty minutes from where they were. He wanted to get her there in five.
"It's okay, Toni. You're fine. Y-you'll be okay..." Sherlock's vision began to blur as he kept loosing blood. He didn't even know if he was on the correct side of the road, but he didn't care.
Car horns honked at him and people yelled. Sherlock did his best to avoid them as he sped past,
"Don't leave me, Toni. Don't leave me." He whimpered, barely able to keep his eyes open. Finally he saw the bright lights that said 'Hospital' and drove right up to the front. He swung open the car door and jumped out, falling on his face. He held onto the van as he tried to stand back up and get Toni, every movement torturing his body. He scooped up the girl in his arms and staggered into he hospital,
"Help her... Please..." He tried to tell but his voice was hoarse. People ran to him, quickly trying to them on a gurney,
"Everything will be okay, sir. Stay with us." A doctor said to him.
"Help her..." Sherlock croaked. He was staring up at the ceiling, his breathing slowing down,
"Help her..." Was all he was able to say. If he lost Toni he would never forgive himself.
"Help her..." It was getting hard to breathe now. His body began to numb, all the nerves leaving. His heart barely beating.
"Help he-"

So sorry about that. School is making me so busyyyy

For the sake of those who haven't seen it yet please do not put any spoilers in the comments


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Thank you!! I'm trying to finish the newest chapter of Something in the Water. In half way done! I'll hopefully have it up before March but idk. Barely have any free time any more



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