The Stand Off

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Chapter 12

He loves you.  

I know. 


When will you be back? 

I'm almost done. 


Hurry up. He's growing impatient.  


Make sure he stays alive. 


I'll do what I can.  


Sherlock put his new mobile back in his pocket as he headed towards the graveyard. He turned his coat collar up and kept his head down, making his way through the dark. Sherlock's eyes darted everywhere searching for Moran. He was half expecting him to jump out from the shadows and choke him to death, but he knew better than that. Moran was with Moriarty, so he knew this encounter wouldn't be dull. He cautiously walked over to his grave knowing Moran would be there.  

"Ah Sherlock Holmes, so we meet at last." A dark voice laughed. Sherlock spun around to find the voice, but it was too dark. He couldn't see anything.  

"Just get it over with. I know you're dying to kill me." Sherlock tested. Moran hesitated, he wanted nothing more than to shoot him right now. But if he did he knew Jim would be disappointed in him.  

"Don't push me." He stepped out where Sherlock could see him, "I'm going to kill you, but not just yet. I'm not done playing." Sherlock stared him up and down, 

"What have you done to John?" He demanded. Sebastian rolled his eyes, 

"Really. You're worried about your little pet? He's hardly any use to you." 

"Just tell me what you did." Sherlock said growing impatient.  

Moran sighed, "he's fine. Well he'll be fine for about a month if he keeps taking the pills I gave him." Sherlock's face went pail, 

"Pills? What pills?"  

"He thinks it's supposed to stop his nightmares. Well yes it will, but it will kill him slowly. Every night he will grow weaker and weaker and soon when he takes the last pill, he'll be too weak to wake up. He will die." It took all of Sherlock's will power to not lunge at Moran and snap his neck. Of course he noticed the gun in his hand he was trying to hide in his jacket pocket. One wrong move and Sherlock would be dead. But Sherlock also came prepared. He aimed a small hand gun at him in one swift movement. Sebastian smirked, 

"Now this is getting interesting." He pulled out his own gun and aimed it at him. They glared at each other, daring the other person to move. Moran stepped to the right and Sherlock did the opposite.  

"Any time now." Sherlock tempted, 

"By all means, you first." Moran said slyly (A/N: British stand offs. So polite). Sherlock tried to trick him by stepping one way but go the other, but he wasn't fooled. Moran was quick and clever. Moran shot at his feet to scare him, but Sherlock just jumped back and regained his composer.  

"Enough games," Sherlock said, "let's finish this." A gun was shot.  


Toni sat at her desk in her room with her laptop. She already read through John's new update on his blog now she was searching things about Sherlock. She found so many articles about how he was a fake that she could hardly stand it anymore. What really set her off was an interview with people making fun of him. She slammed her laptop shut and crossed her arms as she leaned back in her chair. She thought about all the people who once thought Sherlock was a amazing and then accuse him of faking the crimes. She suddenly smiled as she got an idea. She sprang up from her chair and ran into he closet to the far back corner where there was a bag. In the bag were bottles of spray paint. She rummaged through it trying to fine the brightest color. She choose the yellow paint with zinc. Her smile widened.  


Toni laid in her bed staring at the clock. She decided to wait until midnight to put her plan into action. As soon as the time came she jumped out of her bed and quickly put on a black tank top, her black hoodie that zipped up to her nose, dark baggy jeans with deep pockets, and her favorite Vans. She stuffed the bottle of spray paint in one of her pockets and quietly made her way downs stairs and out the back door. She ran through her backyard and hopped over the fence. She put her hood up and walked through the city with her head down. She tried to find a place that wasn't so busy. She finally found an old building. She walked around to the back wall where no one could see her and took out the paint. She sprayed the words in big letters, making her point clear. When she was finished she took a step back and looked over her work. She smiled at the words "I BELIEVE IN SHERLOCK HOLMES". Satisfied, she headed back home. The message was all over the papers the next morning.  


You like what I did there? Sorry it took so long. Ah! Who shot who? You'll find out soon.  


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