Chapter 1

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Sometimes I think that the life I live is suffocating me too much, as if it is not what I was created for. I don't know why I feel like that because I really have everything I could want, I get everything I want. I'm a princess, as my dad calls me.

I am nineteen years old and I feel like I have a lot more because I act like that, i do not want to be like a child and look like a child.

I'm going to college, which I'll finish sooner than I thought, given that I'm still young and have a few years left, but I solve all the exams on time, even some in advance, so that's to my advantage and I'll finish it quickly.

I returned home because my mother sent me a message that the Altimari family was coming to dinner for some unknown reason. I am glad that I will see my aunt Jasmine and uncle Marcus who is my dad's best friend and Gabriel who is their son, but I don't want to see their older son Damien because we are not on good terms. We can't stand each other. We haven't seen each other for five years after the day he humiliated me in front of my friends at my birthday party.

Maybe at that same moment I would have gotten over what he did to me if he had allowed me to explain the real situation to him.

That scene is etched in my memory as the worst thing that happened to me. He didn't let me explain to him, especially since his girlfriend was adamant about what she imagined. Was she jealous of me? I do not understand.

I avoided seeing him and I don't even know if that girl is in his life, if the church bells will be heard soon. They really fit each other. They are terrible and miserable.

I am full of hatred when I think of them.

"Good to see you." I know that voice. It is impossible to forget him, only that now his voice is much deeper. A man's voice.

I turned my head towards the voice and saw Damien, standing leaning against the living room door. He measured me from head to toe several times.

"Yeah, right. For me not." I continued walking towards my room without turning towards him. I didn't know he became so attractive and so handsome. Ever since I've known him, he's always been handsome and had expressive facial features and a muscular body, but now he's something else entirely. His facial features stand out even more, as do the muscles on his body, which are firm and strong. He has several tattoos on his arm as far as I could see, he looks so unreal, but I haven't seen him for a long time, so it's not surprising that he has changed so much.

I opened my closet to see what kind of dress to wear, but why now I don't like anything anymore. I will have to go shopping to update my clothes.

I found a wonderful most ordinary tight black dress, it's not excessive but looks almost like a sporty type, but I like it. I put on heels, but not too high. I tied my hair in a high ponytail. 1My natural hair is orange, although my parents don't have that pigment, but my dad told me that his great-grandmother was like me and that I probably picked up that color from her, and of course freckles, which I sometimes love and sometimes hate, but I don't have a lot of them, so I can hide them with make-up.

I left the room and headed towards the kitchen, where I'm sure my mom and Aunt Jasmine are.

"Teresa?" I answered a surprise call to my friend.

"Where are you? I have something to tell you. The story is very interesting." He must be the prince on the white horse again.

"I'm listening."

"Your future boyfriend Raffaele and Martine had a fight after you left college, to the point that they had to separate them because they wouldn't stop." I am shocked. I put the call on speaker so that I don't have to hold the phone to my ear the whole time.

"He's not my future boyfriend, we're just friends." I answered her and told her the truth. Raffaele is a very handsome boy, but I want to focus on myself and my future first.

"I'm not done yet, you have to hear the reason." Of course it's not the end. When Teresa talks, it never ends.

"The main reason why they fought was you. Because of you. Both of them like you very much, and that's why the fight started that ended with punches because Raffaele said you were his girlfriend and Martine couldn't accept that." What would have happened if I had been there. I'm glad I left earlier.

"I'm shocked. I don't know what they're thinking, but if I wanted to have a boyfriend, I'd already have one. I don't need such childish boys, I want a real man, serious..." I stopped talking when I felt someone behind me. I immediately turned around and saw Damien.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you ashamed to eavesdrop on my conversation." I asked him.

"What are you talking about Issy?" Teresa asked me.

"I'll call you later Teresa." I ended the call.

He took one step at a time until he was in front of me. I wanted to run away, but I'm no longer a little girl running away from her problems. He does not know who is standing before him.

"Why are you so excited, I didn't listen to your conversation at all. Don't be so self-important. Real man huh?" I clenched my fists tightly, and I just turned to walk away from him.

"You're running away again, that's the only thing you know." Now I came to him and slapped him with all my strength, which he did not expect at all.

"Don't think you can humiliate me like you did five years ago, because as you can see from my hand, I'm no longer a little girl who will run away. If that's all you wanted to tell me, then I'm going to dinner because I'm very hungry, and here in front of me, I don't see anything tempting and yummie that I could be satisfied with." I don't know where it came from, but I'm satisfied with my answer because the expression on his face is priceless. I remained serious so as not to start laughing.

I turned to leave but I felt his hand on my stomach.

"Where are you running to, I'll show you something very juicy." He turned me around in a second and connected our lips.

Damien Altimari kissed me.

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