Chapter 17

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I woke up in fear and sweat, looking around me, all over the room to see if those men were still here, if Damien had a gun in his hand, but all I saw around me was a clean, tidy room, without blood, without the men who attacked me, without broken doors. What's happening.

This wasn't a dream, I'm sure of it.

I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. My suspicions were confirmed because I have a purple bruise on my face, and my lip is broken.

I do not understand.

I went back to the room, but quickly left the room when I remembered that the only one who could explain this whole situation to me was Damien.

"DAMIEN!" I shouted loudly, but it was as if there was no one in the house, and the worst thing is that everything is in its place, nothing is different, not a single thing is broken.

"Damien!!" I shouted louder, until he emerged from a room. Probably his office.

He looked at me with a bored look.

"What is it, what happened?" He asked me, as if he didn't know what I was going to ask him.

"What am I saying? Look at my face? What explanation do you have for everything that happened yesterday. What time of day is it anyway? Where are all the broken things, why is the room as if no one destroyed it, where are two or how man men i do not know who attacked me, where's your GUN?" He had a gun, how is that possible.

He didn't move from his place except that he leaned against the wall, on the verge of laughing in my face. As if I said a joke.

I don't feel like joking.

"None of what you just asked is true. What kind of men, and a gun? You must have been dreaming." No way.

I don't believe him.

"Then where did I get these bruises and a broken lip??" I pointed my index finger at my face.

"The only thing I know is that when I came back home, you were lying on the floor next to the stairs. The only explanation is that you fell down the stairs. I have to tell you that you passed well, you didn't break anything." How is that possible. I wasn't dreaming, I'm sure.

Surely it wasn't a dream, but why is everything in its place.

"Go rest, you must be tired from the wedding, so you're imagining things that didn't happen." I don't believe it, I know I didn't imagine all these things, even though my back hurts.

Is it possible that I fell down the stairs? I've literally been running down the stairs my whole life and I've never fallen, how is that possible. Maybe I hit my head so I can't remember.

"Go to hell." I told him angrily and went back to the room.

I took my cell phone and looked at the clock.

Did I dream for two days?

What the hell...

I have to see a doctor, something is wrong with me. It's impossible that I slept for two days. I don't have a single missed call from anyone.

My chest started to tighten, maybe because I'm sad about it. Since I got married, my family seem to not exist. They handed me over to him and now I have to act as his wife, as if that's what I want. I just wanted to finish college and earn my own money. If I had refused marriage with Damien, I would have lost everything, including the university and all my hard work all these years of study. I can't think of him or see him drawn, and what I have to live with him is like someone hitting me every day and telling me how stupid I am. Unfortunately, I have no other way out until I finish college.

I threw my cell phone on the bed and went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat because I see that no one called me, but as far as I can see, King Damien has already eaten his lunch.

What does he even do at home. Why doesn't he leave, or go to his Barbara so I don't have to watch him.

I took the chicken out of the fridge and started cooking rice. I prepared a pan and after I put salt and pepper on the meat, I put it to fry lightly on the pan.

I squeezed an orange, and I prepared a place where I will eat.

I felt some movements behind me, so I suddenly turned around and came face to face with Damien.


I took a step back to put some distance between us.

"If you're hungry and need to do something, wait for me to finish. We don't have to be in the same place at the same time." Far better.

"The kitchen is big enough for ten people, and why do I bother you? You said I disgust you and hate me, so we don't have a problem with that, right?" This man...

"That's right, my eyes hurt when I see you, especially now because of all these injuries." He looked at me dead serious, but as if he was fighting something inside, I don't know how to describe it. He is here, but it's like he is not.

What is he thinking, that I like him.

He's funny.

"But... in two days there is a celebration to which we are invited and you cannot avoid it because you are my escort, my wife and you must appear with me. I do not accept no." We are not a real married couple.

"That applies to marriages that are real and we are not, so forget it. Call Barbara to go with you, I don't want to." I answered him, most sincerely.

I don't care at all who he will go with, because I know that I certainly won't.

"Do you want to finish college?" Is that a threat?

There is no other way, so he threatens me.

"As far as I can remember, my parents pay for my college and that has nothing to do with you. What are you thinking!?" Now I shouted because I can't take it anymore.

I so hate him.

"Wrong. Since you are my wife, all their obligations related to you are now mine, which means that I, as your husband, pay for college, and the same goes for every credit card you have." Is someone kidding me? This is a nightmare.

I'm still dreaming. I hope. I'm begging you, God, that this is just a dream, a nightmare that will soon pass.

I closed my eyes, maybe all this will disappear.

"You're not dreaming, this is reality." He said with a smile on his face. Did I say that out loud?

"Wonderful. What time is the stupid party?" I asked him, clenching my teeth and waiting for them to snap at any moment.

I have to figure out how to fight for myself to make it easier for me, because I won't be able to endure this for long.

"Be ready at eight at night, not a minute later." He needs me for that celebration, so let him wait for me. It will be more than a minute.

"Of course." I turned around and continued to make my lunch, which would soon be burnt if I hadn't looked in time.

"Come to my office later, so we can talk about the house rules." What!? Rules??

There is no way I will respect them.

"Forget about any rules. I'm not your slave but your wife, and I have as much right to do what I want in this house as you do. Stop harassing me, I won't let you trample me. Stop with your manipulative talk. I'm going to the celebration with you because you threatened me with something that's important to me, but believe me, if I have to, I'll borrow money from someone to pay off that college and I won't have to suffer or listen to you." I told him angrily.

"Let's see that too." What does he think he is funny.

"You'll see. We'll be separated as soon as I finish college. Don't think I'll be looking at your face for the rest of my life." He did not expect what I told him, but let him know that I am serious.

I'm not kidding and this is my life.

"We'll see about that." He answered and left the kitchen.

Peace at last.

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